Author: Karsten Bauermeister
Date: 15:42:13 01/26/99
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On January 26, 1999 at 17:03:09, Charlie GOLD wrote: > > Chess Challenger Chess Card, 1989 is, and the only ones made as far as I >know, a credit card size key-in with 64 levels, halt, set-up positions, sound >monitor mode. It came with a small magnetic board and disc pieces. > Mach IV Master Chess Challenger, 1989/90 (with carry case) in a plastic >housing and a grade of 2325 has all the features of the Mach IIC-L.A. It is a >32bit running at 20MHz with a 68020 processor. It operates on mains/batteries. > Chesster Sensory Chess Challenger,1990 is the Par program with a very >life-like voice...much improved on the old Voice Challenger of 1979. There are >newer machines with voice-all copied from Fidelity. It has 25 levels, teacher >mode, and all of the features of the EP12. It is in a "Designer" housing as in >the Mach IV Master above. Operates on mains/batteries. ROM: 16K, RAM: 8K, MHz: >3. Hi Charlie, nothing really wrong - but some additions: The Chess Challenger Chess Card was not the forst one in Credit card size format. In 1983 there was a little chess computer called "Chess King Mighty Midget". It was not really credit-card-size, but somewhat of that size. the main housing was even smaller! The Mach IV had a battery-case as all this housings, but I doubt, that you can really run the 68020 on batteries. I believe I can remember, that the cables to the batteries-clamps were disconnected, but I do not this anymore and unfortunately I do not own a Mach IV. Mach III and Mach IV first were built in the old styled housing like Sensory 6,8 and 9, but silver and black. Later this programs were produced in the designer-housing and were sold much cheaper! One little German additon: In Germany we had a special version of the Chesster Challenger - the "Kishon Chesster". It is named after the israelish cartoonist Ephraim Kishon, who is living in Germany. This model spoke German of course and therefore it used even 512 K ROM! The German language needs more words than English. It knewed about 500 words and sentences. By the way: At this moment I own about 200 different chess computers. I would be nice to know, how many and of course which models you own. Perhaps you can mail me personally? Karsten
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