Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Sever Clutter with Clones of GnuChess/Crafty

Author: James B. Shearer

Date: 17:25:14 01/27/99

Go up one level in this thread

On January 27, 1999 at 16:53:38, Stuart Cracraft wrote:

>                    <snip>
>But that's just the problem. They take away precious human players from the
>other non-clone computer players!

      Well as a "precious human player" I think it is for me to decide which
computer programs if any I wish to play on the servers and I do not appreciate
attempts to restrict my freedom of choice.
      How bad a "problem" is this anyway?  Some of the under 2600 club programs
are playing hundreds of games a week.  How many games can you examine a week?
                               James B. Shearer
PS:  What is your formula?

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