Author: Anthony Cozzie
Date: 07:15:23 02/16/05
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>For me, writing a decent playing chess program as a hobby project (maybe >different if you do it for your thesis or as a professional) takes at least 3-5 >years. All engines that develop faster for me are highly suspicious. Actually, I tend to agree with this. And IMO it is highly necessary to get input & feedback from other members of the computer chess community to improve in strength. Not only are most programmers not strong chess players, but also there are a number of tricks that are sort of "open secrets": things that everyone does, but that most people wouldn't figure out on their own. The best example of this is material values. I'm not sure if 3-5 years is a hard limit (I guess it took me about 2 years), but if someone just appears on the scene with a strong program I'm immediately suspicious. anthony
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