Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: What constitutes a clone?

Author: Charles Roberson

Date: 07:20:00 02/16/05

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  Looks like we agree that cutting and pasting code is cloning.
  Cutting and pasting a little of it (define little) may be ok with authors

   Another here stated it all comes down to effort -- he may be right.

   Dann made a statement that is worth discussion.
     I will paraphrase here:
           "it is ok to read some code and reuse ideas, but it is not ok
            to cut and paste code."

     To add to that comes the middle ground of a person reading the code line
   by line and reproducing functionally equivalent code. But not cutting and
   pasting or even copying the same code.
       -- there is a lot of effort saved in this approach, the person saves
         years of work in not having to think of/ test for/ or fix corner
         cases. I've spent lots of time rewriting code to my two chess engines
         due to not thinking of some corner cases up front.

    Now, if one reads a book on computers playing chess and see algorithmic
    descriptions but no real code, then I've not cloned or have I?
       -- this does require a lot of effot to produce a program escpecially a
           good one.

    Now, if one has an algorithmic only description of a chess program like
    crafty or tscp or gnuchess or ....... and I write my own program, have
    I cloned??
       -- this does require a lot of effort

   Looks to me like this may turn into a statement of acceptable practices
  as opposed to a specific definition of "Clone". I think such a statement
  would be far more productive and useful and more clear.

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