Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Sever Clutter with Clones of GnuChess/Crafty

Author: David Blackman

Date: 22:11:37 01/27/99

Go up one level in this thread

On January 27, 1999 at 13:11:17, Stuart Cracraft wrote:

>This message poses the question of whether the (F)ICS
>servers are being damaged by clutter of clone after clone
>of GNU Chess, Crafty, any others...
>More and more people seem to have "!computer" in their formula
>or are declining to play.
>What are your thoughts?

The servers should have extra variables that describe computer players.
Some useful variables might be

program_name (well-known name of the program, many computer players are unable
or unwilling to get this as their handle.)

derived_from (same as program name unless this is a "rebadged" Crafty or

authorative_version (true only if this version is approved by the program's
copyright owner. Each server should allow only one handle with the same
derived_from variable to set authorative_version.)

is_cheat (true if this handle tried to pass itself off as human sometime in the
last 6 months)

This would allow people a lot more flexibility in their no-plays.

Handle owners could set some of these blank if they like to be secretive, but of
course some people might no-play programs with a blank derived_from .

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