Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: What constitutes a clone?

Author: Robert Hyatt

Date: 12:42:49 02/16/05

Go up one level in this thread

On February 16, 2005 at 12:01:59, Antonio Dieguez wrote:

>On February 16, 2005 at 10:46:39, Robert Hyatt wrote:
>>If there is something that produces a single correct answer, such as "what is
>>the set of moves for this position?" or "what is the updated chess position
>>after making or unmaking this move?" or "what is the expected (SEE) win/loss for
>>capturing on this square?" or "is the king in check?" then there is little
>>reason to worry about those parts being copied, because copied or written from
>>scratch, they by necessity produce exactly the same answer.  But the eval and
>>search don't have that characteristic.
>but of course it is unfair. There are competitions with chess programs, and if
>one author let say that copies that code or writes the exact equivalent code, he
>loses his own pride but wins time and effort. I personally don't like to say
>"there is little reason to worry about those parts being copied", as if it were
>something normal, many won't like that I suposse, because what i said, or
>because considering the chess program a pure personal jewel, even including the
>parts you mention, or whatever.
>sólo un estropajo sucio que tuvo la suerte de encarnar un día en un ser humano.

That's an argument.  But I use scanf(), printf(), pthread_create(), fseek(),
random64() and lots of other things I didn't write.  So does everyone else.

Does that affect whether Crafty is my work product or not????

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