Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: The importance of opening books -- a simple experiment

Author: Arturo Ochoa

Date: 09:28:36 02/18/05

Go up one level in this thread

On February 18, 2005 at 10:56:29, Uri Blass wrote:

>On February 18, 2005 at 10:34:55, Arturo Ochoa wrote:
>>On February 18, 2005 at 02:26:43, Uri Blass wrote:
>>>On February 18, 2005 at 02:14:15, Uri Blass wrote:
>>>>the games in CCT are not more important than other games as long as movei is an
>>>>extremely weak engine that is probably even weaker than glaurung because it is
>>>>near the level of gothmog and gothmog is weaker than glaurung based on Tord).
>>>Note also that if you want to see some evidence that movei is near the level of
>>>gothmog then you can look at
>>>Gothmog 2549
>>>Movei   2533
>>>Difference are inside the statistical error.
>>First, the rating is inflated.
>Not important.
>The point is not to compare with humans.

Wrong again.
You show how high the Movei was and how it was near to Gothmog. I say it is not
valid at all because this is a test based on Nunn Openings and not the original
opening book of the engine.

>> Second: are the games run in blitz time controls?
>No blitz time control
>40/40 ponder off on 2ghz cpu
>>Third, can it be consider valid for the topic to use a common tyny opening book
>>as the nuun one?
>part of the games of movei were from nunn position when part of the games were
>with original book.
>There was no big difference

Yes, it can be a big diference because a book tuned for an engine can help ot to
get coveniente positions. That is the point that you have always missed and you
will miss.

>Movei scored in the middle of the table both in nunn positions in queen class
>with its own book and with nunn positions.
>see results in
>Movei's result with its own small book and learning:
>Movei overall score is 107.5/220( means 52.5/110 in the nunn positions)
>It does not seem that movei small book is inferior relative to books of other
>programs at similiar level.

Nunn Positions are good to validad how good the engines are in those positions.
It doesnt say anything about how good are the original books.

Thefore, it is irrelevant the scores for the points in discussion.

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