Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: The importance of opening books -- a simple experiment

Author: Uri Blass

Date: 04:28:34 02/23/05

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On February 23, 2005 at 06:52:07, Vasik Rajlich wrote:

>On February 22, 2005 at 09:36:38, Peter Berger wrote:
>>On February 22, 2005 at 04:47:26, Vasik Rajlich wrote:
>>>The part I don't get here is the "takes the strengths and weaknesses of the
>>>engine into account". Maybe if some amateur engine has a bug, sure - although in
>>>this case - fix the bug.
>>>I just don't buy this stuff about choosing lines which suit the engine.
>>I used to mostly agree with this point of view, but my tests suggest different.
>>Maybe you just put too much content in this statement, because you compare with
>>human players' styles.
>>As an example: Compared to top professionals Crafty has severe problems with
>>tactics and kingsafety, especially with kings castled in opposite directions. It
>>plays a fine endgame and there is a certain type of late middlegame where it can
>>shine. That's the kind of statement I am thinking about - there are some obvious
>>conclusions for an opening repertoire, no rocket science at all.
>>So, if this is the starting point, you wouldn't choose the Sicilian Dragon as
>>main weapon against 1. e4, would you? An opening that might be fine for other
>>Of course a future version of Crafty might rule in tactics and understand these
>>attacks just fine. Then you will make other choices.
>>This effect is quite measurable.
>Actually, this might just have to do with being weaker. All of the amateur
>engines can evaluate simple stuff like general piece centralization & mobility,
>keeping the pawn structure clean, etc.

Not all of them and there are amateur engines that do not evaluate mobility.
I am not sure what you mean by general piece centralization and if it is
included in piece square structure.

I am also not sure what do you mean by keeping the pawn structure clean and if
evaluating passed pawn and isolated pawns is enough.


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