Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: open source tournament

Author: Matthias Gemuh

Date: 10:53:40 05/16/05

Go up one level in this thread

>I think that it is the opposite and I need to make Movei significantly weaker
>and delete a lot of comments in the code(in order not to help opponents) in
>order to justify publishing the source code.
>I think that if your biglion becomes as strong as fruit/Toga then you can sell

I don't know whether I would sell my engine because I must first increase its
strength by 500 Elo points. I feel like trying a rewrite from scratch,
targeting simplicity, speed and search stability.
I think any cloner already has enough open source, so publishing more strong
open source may not matter a lot. However, because at least 25% of fairly strong
engines may have too many routines copied and adapted from open source, I
foresee a time in future when amateur tournament organizers shall limit
participants to engines with open source.


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