Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Collector's Corner..Mephisto Montreux VS. Resurrection V2.02

Author: Steve B

Date: 07:54:20 06/05/05

To test the Resurrection against all dedicated computers having the King program
i now offer for your reviewing pleasure.. this game

the Mephisto Montreux is virtually the identical computer to the Saitek Risc
the  game i posted with the Risc featured the computer upgraded to 2MB of hash
ram while the Montreux only had the standard 128k Ram

both computers were rated at just slightly under 2200 Elo(the Risc 2500 -2Mb
perhaps 25 Elo stronger)

this game is a wild attacking affair with the Montreux offering the Kings Gambit
neither computer was able to Castle in the game

Game 30 Min.
[Date "6-5-2005"]
[White "Mephisto Montreux"]
[Black "Resurrection V2.02"]
[Result "0-1"]

1. e4 e5 2. f4 exf4 3. Bc4 Qh4+ 4. Kf1 Nc6 5. d4 Nf6 6. Nf3 Qg4 7. e5
Nh5 8. Be2 g6 9. Nc3 Bh6 10. d5 Nb4 11. a3 Na6 12. Ne4 d6 13. Bxa6 bxa6
14. exd6 Qd7 15. Ne5 Qf5 16. Qd4 Bg7 17. Qa4+ Bd7 18. Nxd7 Qxd7 19.
Qxd7+ Kxd7 20. dxc7 Rhe8 21. Ng5 Re5 22. Nh3 Rxd5 23. Bxf4 Nxf4 24. Nxf4
Rd2 25. Nd3 Rc8 26. Rb1 Kxc7 27. b3 Kb6 28. Ne1 Bd4 29. Nf3 Rf2+ 30. Ke1
Re8+ 31. Kd1 Be3 32. c4 Rxg2 33. Rf1 g5 34. h3 Bf4 35. Rh1 Rd8+ 36. Ke1
Bg3+ 37. Kf1 Rf2+ 38. Kg1 Rxf3 39. Kg2 Rfd3 40. Rb2 Bf4 41. h4 Rg3+ 42.
Kf2 g4 43. a4 Rdd3 44. b4 Be5 45. Rbb1 Bd4+ 46. Ke2 Rge3+ 47. Kf1 Rf3+
48. Ke2 Bc3 49. c5+ Kc7

Final Position

[D]8/p1k2p1p/p7/2P5/PP4pP/2br1r2/4K3/1R5R w - - 0 1

here the Montreux Resigns

a summary of the 9 games against the King program i have posted :

Tasc R40 V 2.5... 5 Game match--Tied 2.5-2.5
Tasc R40 V2.5.. 6th Game-RES WINS
Tasc R30 V2.2.. GAME DRAWN
Saitek 2500-2Mb-Saitek WINS Game
Mephisto Montreux-Res Wins Game

taken as all one match we have..



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Last modified: Thu, 15 Apr 21 08:11:13 -0700

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