Author: James Swafford
Date: 12:42:20 07/14/05
Go up one level in this thread
On July 14, 2005 at 15:33:34, Mathieu Pagé wrote: >On July 14, 2005 at 15:26:23, James Swafford wrote: > >>I had thought to do something along those lines. About a year or >>year and a half ago I wrote a perl script that would log the ICC >>games for any account I told it to. >> >>I scheduled the script to run every half hour or so. When it logged >>in, it would pull a 'history' of every account. If there was a game >>in the history it hadn't logged yet, it would get the moves for >>that game and log them into a Postgres database. >> >>This worked pretty well, but I haven't run it in a long time, and >>I haven't done anthing with the data yet. >> >>-- >>James > >Hi James, > >If I understand you well, you can retrives moves from games that have been >played on ICC? > >I did not event thought one could use all the games of an opponent to model him. >I was thinking of using only the game *the learning engine* play against that >opponent > >This seem a really good idea. Yes, but I think you can only get what's in the history (last 20), which is why my script ran every 30 or 60 minutes. aics% hist prophetx Recent games of ProphetX: Opponent Type ECO End Date 68: = 2328 B 1973 spkr1954 [ br 5 3] B06 Rep Jul 13 05 20:27 67: + 2341 W 1960 spkr1954 [ br 5 3] A00 Fla Jul 13 05 20:16 66: + 2338 W 2132 xiphosura [ br 5 3] A00 Mat Jul 13 05 19:46 65: + 2330 B 1988 ctd [ br 5 3] B01 Mat Jul 13 05 19:00 64: + 2326 W ++++ guest104 [ bu 5 0] C00 Res Jul 13 05 18:24 63: = 2326 W 2080 MarkOrr [ br 5 3] A00 Rep Jul 11 05 19:35 62: + 2336 B 1447 Jeffe [ bu 5 0] B00 Fla Jul 11 05 19:19 61: + 2336 W 1447 Jeffe [ bu 5 0] C40 Res Jul 11 05 19:11 60: + 2336 B ++++ guest454 [ bu 5 0] C01 Res Jul 11 05 18:00 59: + 2358 W 1755 plkrn [ Bu 2 1] A41 Res Jul 11 05 16:04 58: + 2358 B 1755 plkrn [ Bu 2 1] B00 Fla Jul 11 05 16:01 57: + 2358 W 1755 plkrn [ Bu 2 1] B02 Fla Jul 11 05 15:56 56: + 2358 B 2213 schachtraine [ Br 2 1] B06 Fla Jul 11 05 14:03 55: + 2348 W 2223 schachtraine [ Br 2 1] A00 Res Jul 11 05 13:59 54: + 2337 B 2234 schachtraine [ Br 2 1] A40 Res Jul 11 05 13:52 53: + 2325 W 2246 schachtraine [ Br 2 1] A45 Fla Jul 11 05 13:45 52: - 2311 B 2318 schachtraine [ Br 2 1] B00 Res Jul 11 05 13:13 51: + 2328 W 2301 schachtraine [ Br 2 1] A00 Fla Jul 11 05 13:07 50: + 2336 W ++++ guest3767 [ bu 5 3] A00 Fla Jul 11 05 12:50 49: + 2336 B ++++ guest3767 [ bu 5 3] C02 Fla Jul 11 05 12:43 aics% smoves **ANNOUNCEMENT** from ROBOadmin: *** GRANDMASTER versus GRANDMASTER!! GM \ K-Georgiev is playing GM Rdeniro! Type "observe K-Georgiev" to watch the \ rated blitz 3 0 game. aics% prophet 68 ROBOadmin(C)(*) s-shouts: *** GRANDMASTER versus INTERNATIONAL MASTER!! GM \ Sauerkraut is playing IM Garpun! Type "observe Sauerkraut" to watch the \ rated blitz 3 0 game. aics% prophet has no game numbered 68. aics% smoves prophetx 68 spkr1954 (1973) vs. ProphetX (2328) --- 2005.07.13 20:27:26 Rated Blitz match, initial time: 5 minutes, increment: 3 seconds Move spkr1954 ProphetX ---- ---------------- ---------------- 1. e4 (0:02) g6 (0:00) 2. d4 (0:01) d6 (0:00) 3. Nc3 (0:02) e5 (0:00) 4. dxe5 (0:02) dxe5 (0:00) 5. Qxd8+ (0:01) Kxd8 (0:00) 6. Bc4 (0:02) Ke8 (0:16) 7. Nf3 (0:09) Nc6 (0:06) 8. Be3 (0:12) Bb4 (0:15) 9. O-O-O (0:02) Bxc3 (0:15) 10. bxc3 (0:01) a6 (0:13) 11. Bd5 (0:11) Nge7 (0:14) 12. Bg5 (0:13) Bg4 (0:13) 13. h3 (0:12) Bxf3 (0:13) 14. gxf3 (0:01) Ng8 (0:11) 15. Bxc6+ (0:05) bxc6 (0:12) 16. Rd3 (0:02) h6 (0:10) 17. Be3 (0:06) Nf6 (0:11) 18. Rhd1 (0:10) Ke7 (0:11) 19. c4 (0:17) g5 (0:11) 20. Rb3 (0:05) Rhd8 (0:10) 21. Rdd3 (0:18) Nh5 (0:10) 22. Kd2 (0:20) Nf4 (0:10) 23. Bxf4 (0:02) exf4 (0:07) 24. Ke2 (0:13) Rdb8 (0:09) 25. Rxb8 (0:10) Rxb8 (0:09) 26. Rb3 (0:01) Rb6 (0:09) 27. Kd3 (0:36) Kd6 (0:00) 28. Kd4 (0:05) c5+ (0:09) 29. Kd3 (0:13) Ke5 (0:08) 30. c3 (0:10) h5 (0:08) 31. Rxb6 (1:14) cxb6 (0:08) 32. a4 (0:01) f5 (0:08) 33. exf5 (0:03) a5 (0:05) 34. f6 (0:06) Kxf6 (0:08) 35. Ke4 (0:01) Ke6 (0:07) 36. Kd3 (0:13) Ke5 (0:00) 37. Ke2 (0:02) h4 (0:05) 38. Kd2 (0:08) Kf5 (0:07) 39. Ke2 (0:02) Ke5 (0:05) 40. Kd2 (0:01) Kf5 (0:07) 41. Ke2 (0:01) Kf6 (0:07) 42. Kd3 (0:06) Ke7 (0:01) 43. Ke2 (0:02) Ke6 (0:04) 44. Ke1 (0:03) Kf6 (0:07) 45. Kd2 (0:02) Ke5 (0:07) 46. Ke1 (0:02) Kf5 (0:06) 47. Ke2 (0:04) {Game drawn by repetition} 1/2-1/2 aics% -- James
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