Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Opponent-modeling in computer chess

Author: GuyHaworth

Date: 16:07:43 07/15/05

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Check out Jeroen Donkers Ph.D. thesis 'Nosce Hostem', i.e. 'Know thine enemy'.

Jeroen also tried out Probabilistic Opponent Modelling (PrOM), where the
opponent is Opponent(i) with Probability p(i), a probability that can be refined
by Bayesian techniques.  I think he found that this was not a good use of a
finite amount of computing time compared with simpler approaches to minimax.

While Jeroen was doing his Ph.D., I independently created an opponent model
specific to endgames with computed EGTs.  This model can be used in a PrOM to
calculate the 'optimum move', and the probabilities p(i) can be changed by
Bayesian analysis. This goes beyond Jansen's work on the endgame by proposing a
whole spectrum of opponent models.

Articles in ICGA_J, and (with Rafael Andrist) in the ACG (Graz) book and (to
come) in the Journal of Theoretical Computer Science (Elsevier).


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