Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: To sumarize this

Author: Thomas Mayer

Date: 12:54:04 08/17/05

Go up one level in this thread

Hi Thomas,

I had some emails with someone who knows everything about GPL. So the conclusion

You are not allowed to add nalimov code with the decompression code of Andrew
Kadatch to Toga, because Eugine does not allow that his coded is released under
GPL whereas you are forced to release Toga under GPL because it's code base is
Fruit which is GPL.

Fabien who has still all the rights on his source could switch to another type
of license which would allow him to use the Nalimov code - well, if he wants

So the only possibility for you to use the nalimov tablebases in Toga would be
to write the access routines yourself. Of course you must add that code then to
your source package because the base of your program is GPL which forces you to
always give away the source when you give away a copy of your program.

I hope this is not to complicate...

Greets, Thomas

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