Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: node explosion

Author: Daniel Mehrmannn

Date: 13:37:56 08/22/05

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On August 22, 2005 at 15:50:15, David Dahlem wrote:

>What is the most likely cause of a huge node explosion at depth 10, with a
>branching factor of 24?
>I'm getting 72% move ordering with this order...
>1. Best move in previous ply
>2. Winning captures
>3. Killer moves
>4. Neutral captures
>5. Bad captures
>6. Rest of the moves
>Thanks for any clues

Hi Dave,

well, nobody knows how your programs works expect yourself.
May some hints that could help you:

1. Look at your last changes
2. Restore old code ? Problem is still there ?
3. May use a CVS or RCS systems as i do with graphic diff analyzer and history
4. make backups ;)

Hope that helps,


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