Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Zappa web update & a few other things

Author: Kunnar Klauks

Date: 23:10:51 08/28/05

Go up one level in this thread

On August 27, 2005 at 23:07:45, A. Cozzie wrote:

>Now that I am a graduate student, I have updated the Zappa webpage and moved it
>to the university's site.  So, while I appreciate Volker's hard work, I don't
>have to steal his bandwidth anymore :)
>The new site:
>(it really amazes me that there is another acozzie in the world)
>Updates to the site:
>Zappa 1.1 (bugfix of 1.0, singular extensions actually work now, plus a few
>trivial things).
>Win64 and Linux versions.

I tried 32 bit Linux version of zappa, and got "Illegal instruction" error
message after executing zappa. Distro is Fedora 4. Do you have ideas what can be


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