Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Zappa UCI: You are all a bunch of HYPOCRITES

Author: Peter Skinner

Date: 19:40:30 09/04/05

Go up one level in this thread

On September 04, 2005 at 17:39:28, Gian-Carlo Pascutto wrote:

>There, I said it.
>I can't believe what I'm reading in the "Zappa retail no UCI whine whine"
>thread. 95% of the people posting in that thread are or have always been >happily using Junior, Fritz, Hiarcs, Nimzo and ChessTiger versions which only >run under 1 interface.

Hiarcs is about to come out with an UCI version. Nimzo is dead. Tiger has been
released in another interface, but under a non-UCI format.

Junior and Fritz are the more dominant Chessbase programs. They will never

Personally I don't care whether Zappa is UCI or not. Whatever Anthony decides to
do is his decision.

>>You are really asking all engine authors to BEND OVER for their competitor, so
>THEY have to work around the bugs of ChessBase and, if they are very lucky, >then perhaps be able to play some games without too much handicap (book, >learning) in the competitors GUI.

Who says I can't use the Zappa UCI version under Winboard with Polygot? I don't
_HAVE_ to use Chessbase.

And I prefer using Arena for UCI engines anyways.

>I asked Vincent and he confirmed that his GUI *does* support UCI correctly, so
>you can still play your beloved UCI engines against Zappa *in it's own GUI*.

Terrific. That is excellent news.

>What, not happy because you can't test Fritz against Zappa easily? Well, tough
>luck. Why did you buy Fritz or Junior anyway as it has NEVER supported playing
>in anything else than it's native interface? And now you are complaining about
>Zappa? Can you spell "HYPOCRITE"?

I think that is going way over the edge. People have the right to voice an
opinion over what they would like to see from a new program in the commercial

They can even choose not to purchase it when it does not have the features that
they would like to see. That is their right. A consumer choice is just that.. a

>At least this way we can perhaps get some INNOVATION and NEW FEATURES inside a
>GUI. I have been here long enough that I remember the time when there was >really competition in that area, and a new release brought something special, >something new in terms of features.

Again.. terrific. I would love to see a new GUI that has some innovative

>UCI: go buy Fritz 9 and enoy your HUMAN-OPTIMIZED ALL NEW IMPROVED MORE

I won't be purchasing Fritz 9. I won't buy the propaganda coming from Chessbase.

>Meanwhile, sane people can enjoy a game against the WORLD CHAMPION in a new GUI
>that I am very curious to see.

Surely you mean people who made a consumer choice to purchase Zappa in the new
GUI will be enjoying it. They need not be sane either..

I find your post rather disgusting to say the least. You being a commercial
author should know that people make choices based on features and options. I am
sure you do the same when buying a car, a home, your groceries... why not a
chess program?

If it does not have the options or features you would like to see you take a
pass on it. It is a consumer market like it or not.


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