Author: Jonas Cohonas
Date: 20:40:14 09/04/05
Go up one level in this thread
>I can't believe what I'm reading in the "Zappa retail no UCI whine whine" >thread. 95% of the people posting in that thread are or have always been happily >using Junior, Fritz, Hiarcs, Nimzo and ChessTiger versions which only run under >1 interface. And guess what, some of us got used to that :) >The ChessBase interface has historically always had SEVERE bugs in UCI and/or >WinBoard support which coincidencially always handicapped the external engines. >Yes, some of the most visible bugs have been fixed, but the interface still has >many left[1] and I am sure other ones will 'accidentally' be introduced again in >the future. > >You are really asking all engine authors to BEND OVER for their competitor, so >THEY have to work around the bugs of ChessBase and, if they are very lucky, then >perhaps be able to play some games without too much handicap (book, learning) in >the competitors GUI. I am only asking that the author make the option available so i can decide for myself what GUI i run the engine in. If i found out that the authors attitude was that he wanted to decide what was best for me, i am not sure i would consider buying his product UCI or no UCI... >Don't give me any crap about Arena or Shredder, I know 95% of you is really >using Fritz so you can test against CB engines. And what is so wrong with that?? >I asked Vincent and he confirmed that his GUI *does* support UCI correctly, so >you can still play your beloved UCI engines against Zappa *in it's own GUI*. >What, not happy because you can't test Fritz against Zappa easily? Well, tough >luck. Why did you buy Fritz or Junior anyway as it has NEVER supported playing >in anything else than it's native interface? And now you are complaining about >Zappa? Can you spell "HYPOCRITE"? Can you spell supportformorethanoneprotocol? If i buy Zappa i would want to play it against my chessbase engines as they are arguably some of the strongest opponents and without games against them, it would be hard to determine the real strength of a program IMO. >At least this way we can perhaps get some INNOVATION and NEW FEATURES inside a >GUI. I have been here long enough that I remember the time when there was really >competition in that area, and a new release brought something special, something >new in terms of features. This is GONE with the hegemony of ChessBase GUI's and >it CANNOT be restored if one sells engines just so they can run under Yet >Another Buggy ChessBase GUI. > >I am very curious to see Zappa be released commercially and will certainly buy >it not only for the engine, but also to see what FEATURES the GUI can offer. > >It's already very said that computer chess has been damaged so much by the >hegemony of one vendor and now you, users, are ASKING for it to be continued. >Are you really so blind, so shortsighted, and so DUMB that you cannot see that >another interface also offers many ADVANTAGES? It is really unfair to make the assumption that someone is dumb and blind if they don't see things your way and makes it difficult to take you seriously. Can you understand that some people are perfectly happy with 1-2 guis that works perfectly according to their needs and the introduction of a new GUI and lack of UCI support would mean NOBUY? well this is a fact and not only for me, whether you like it or not. >So please, all the !#%&(%* that are saying they won't buy Zappa if it doesn't do >UCI: go buy Fritz 9 and enoy your HUMAN-OPTIMIZED ALL NEW IMPROVED MORE >KNOWLEDGE INTENSIVE CRASHES ONLY EVERY 5 MINUTES CHESSPROGRAM THAT DOESNT >SUPPORT UCI ANYWAY! I have never once had a CB gui crash on me. I am not sure if you are part of the Zappa team and are telling me to go buy Fritz 9 instead of Zappa if i am too dumb and blind to see things your way... >Meanwhile, sane people can enjoy a game against the WORLD CHAMPION in a new GUI >that I am very curious to see. Adding UCI support in zappa, does not exclude a new GUI, nor does it exclude even enjoying the new GUI :) and like Peter said, you don't even have to be sane... I think that you are way out of line here GCP and i find it insulting that you consider me a hypocrite for sharing what would make me buy Zappa and what would not. Regards Jonas
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