Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Zappa UCI: You are all a bunch of HYPOCRITES

Author: Ed Schröder

Date: 01:08:02 09/05/05

Go up one level in this thread

On September 04, 2005 at 18:34:50, Vincent Diepeveen wrote:

>On September 04, 2005 at 18:12:52, Steve Maughan wrote:
>About 1 thing, you really must show more understanding of economics.
>I have more cdroms on pre-order (either diep3d or zappa, whatever releases
>first) than the total amount of sold shredder-classic GUI's past 4 years (not
>counting the Ossi Weiner 'millennium deal').


Statement of the year Vince, good joke. But don't worry too much, most of those
who complain now will buy Zappa anyway.

>You should worry instead about the monopoly of chessbase in Europe.
>If you realize how big their helpdesk is in total and how many fulltime salaries
>they pay in total a year, you will realize that the tens of millions of
>importance they have in Fritz, simply means that they will do anything to let
>fritz perform real well.
>That includes that they are not so quick fixing unexpected bugs in their
>interface to run engines from others.
>Let's start collect a small list of problems you MIGHT face when a normal user
>runs under Fritz and plays against another engine. I just quote things here
>which EXPERIENCED testers didn't figure out themselves easily:
>  a) sets hashtable to 1 MB
>  b) control-f (rotating board which goes AUTOMATIC sometimes) resets learning

>  c) if you start default the fritz engine instead of uci engine, as Ed
>     Schroeder reports that means you already start at 5% score disadvantage

I can't remember I ever said such a thing. Perhaps you meant 5% speed loss vs a
native CB engine in a match, that could be true. But I never said such a thing
in public as far as I can remember.

Wish you all the luck anyway Vince,


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