Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Zappa UCI: You are all a bunch of HYPOCRITES

Author: Jason Waugh

Date: 01:35:03 09/05/05

Go up one level in this thread

On September 04, 2005 at 18:34:50, Vincent Diepeveen wrote:

>I have more cdroms on pre-order (either diep3d or zappa, whatever releases
>first) than the total amount of sold shredder-classic GUI's past 4 years (not
>counting the Ossi Weiner 'millennium deal').

Aside from wondering where you get the stats to back up that little piece of
hyperbole.... when you throw in sales of Shredder the engine... then what?
You're not really impressing anybody here.

I will not change my interface.  I love my interface, and I have many very good
engines for it.  I won't be buying Zappa because I can't use it in my interface.

Support the Chessbase hegemony?  Fine, I fully agree with you there.  I use
Chesspartner.  Bought Chess Tiger 14, 15, Deep Sjeng, Rebel 12, CP versions 4.x
and 5.x -- it's wonderful, and I am not going to buy Zappa to use whatever
interface it is you are working on the same way I will not by Shredder Classic
GUI.  I just don't need a different interface whenever I want to play chess
against a different engine.  I did buy CM9000, but never use it, because I can
play against a number of world-class opponents with loads of adjustable
settings/personalities with CP.

Honestly, I do not represent the minority in computer chess consumers.  I can
understand your crusade about "it's the interface that counts" -- I fully
understand and agree with you 100%, which is specifically why I have an
interface I truly love and just use the various engines that work with it (which
, fortunately, is many... who needs Zappa?)

I will gladly pay $29.95 for Zappa 2.x that works with Chesspartner, same way I
am going to buy Ktulu 7 when it's released although I know little about it.
After 95% of the computer chess playing market buys Chessmaster from their local
<insert store name here>, and the 4% or so who dig further into the "computer
chess hobby" find Fritz GUI and buy that, you can feel free to compete for that
last 1% - I am one person in that last 1% who will not buy, and doubt that I'm

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