Author: Andreas Schwartmann
Date: 02:48:38 09/05/05
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There's no hypocrisy in saying that I won't buy Zappa if it does not support UCI. This is is just plain honesty. Maybe Diepeveen's GUI supports UCI. But this is not about the GUI, this is about the engine. You know what happened to Chess Tiger 2004: The Lokasoft GUI supports UCI, the engine doesn't, so it cannot be matched against Fritz Junior Tiger Shredder (with orginal book) Hiarcs This *is* an unnecessary marketing blunder. I will not buy an engine that forces me to run a GUI I really don't need. (Yeah, so does Fritz, but that's a different story, because Fritz was there first and set the standard for engine tourneys/matches). So if Zappa wants to join CT2004's fate: Fine with me. I don't need to buy it. A lot of people don't and won't. But it's rather sad, to let this interesting engine be buried on a dutch graveyard. Andreas
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