Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: zappa, monopoly and the fight against powerful companies

Author: Fernando Villegas

Date: 13:59:53 09/05/05

Go up one level in this thread

I guess that due to time pressure and the work already done it is impossible to
implement my ideas, even if you and they would want to do it. They are not just
a matter of a frill and some whistles here and there. It is the full core
concept of a ches program.
Just to give you an example of the scale of what I have in mind, just think, to
begin with, in the chess program acting like the full desktop theme of the PC,
being the chess part only one of the elements of it. Suppose the metaphore of a
rich studio with wooden furniture, drawers where you get into action perhaps a
word processor AND in some corner the chss table with the pieces representing
the program.
This is just an example of the Gui part.
Add to that tbe residents functions I see for such a program and....well...too
many things for doing of the chess program NOT just ONE program into the PC, but
the chess companion that assist you in anything AND in chess.
By example, the last one I give you here, think of the engine examining your
games EVEN if you are not using the program, but anything else with the PC.
And many more.I really think these ideas are a matter of lot of time for a fll
proram and cannot be implemented on the fly right now
If you all later are interested in the deails, let me know.
My best

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