Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: ...why they had to use the GUI or Help From ChessBase

Author: Madhavan

Date: 04:49:29 09/06/05

Go up one level in this thread

On September 06, 2005 at 07:36:13, Rolf Tueschen wrote:

>On September 06, 2005 at 07:32:21, Madhavan wrote:
>>On September 06, 2005 at 07:27:04, Rolf Tueschen wrote:
>>>On September 06, 2005 at 07:05:09, Gian-Carlo Pascutto wrote:
>>>>On September 06, 2005 at 06:56:10, Günther Simon wrote:
>>>>>They were forced to use it, because Erdos book was CB only format and they
>>>>>had no other book ready, thus they used the disliked GUI.
>>>>Correct. There is no way to export .ctg books out of ChessBase.
>>>>Zappa didn't actually run under Fritz. It ran on a seperate Linux machine, with
>>>>only a relay program being loaded under Fritz. This is also nicely avoids Fritz
>>>>mucking around with the engine.
>>>>Take a look at the game and you will "get" the joke.
>>>Yes, all understood. But fact is that without ChessBase and FRITZ ZAPPA couldn't
>>>have participated at the WCCC 2005 - could you confirm this, Gian-Carlo?
>>utter nonsense.
>>He could have got the book in Arena or any other interface format.
>Interesting. And why it wasn't done this way if CHESSBASE is the empire of the
>evil that should be avoided with utmost care as Anthony and Vince seem to
>insinuate? Isn't there a gap of lacking credibility on the side of the two
>"young" rebels - could you confirm this, Madhavan?

You should bring Erdo the Zappa book creator and not Anthony and
Vincent.Anthony's wants decent book creator,so he chose Erdogan no matter whic
GUI,after knowing Erdo's book is in CB format,he decided to use Chessbase

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