Author: Rolf Tueschen
Date: 09:53:46 09/06/05
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Anthony, be confirmed that the fact that you won the WCCC does NOT make your program the best available. As you said yourself (concerning HIARCS) "only" 10 oe 11 games. Then something you have completely misunderstood. You made me happy with the statement that you publish ZAPPY for the chess-players and NOT only the minority of chess testers. This is the good point. Now the point you misunderstood: chessplayers are concentrated on chess and want to have databases as huge as possible - with features till the end of the universe. And that implies that chessplayers use FRITZ with it's feature of engine embedding. I confess something. I have all the versions of CRAFTY and I also played some games years ago, but now I do only play with CRAFTY because I can integrate it in FRITZ and also CHessBase as analytical instrument. I dont think that I am exotic with this habit as a chessplayer. And this is what would also be incentive for me, to have the integrated ZAPPA version that won the WCCC. But honestly you could come with the best GUI possible on this earth, I want to spend my precious time with chess but NOT with betatesting new creations - even if they come from Vincent. No pin intended. I repeat, you either come with a possibility to integrate ZAPPA or you will be unknown to me just like I oversaw RUFFIAN or others. It took me years to purchase SHREDDER and he was already several times champion. I did it because I wanted to see some new features. For feaatures I would also buy ZAPPA so that your plans go into the right direction, but I would never buy the actual champion after 11 games even if next year you could repeat your success. Remember chess is the main point. Chess alone. It is completely a fantasy to dream of the chessplayer who has several programs and he lets them analyse for hours. I have highly complex databases and I want to get to the games as fast as possible. I would not like to waste my time with first going into pgn and then again into transformation processes. No way. With all this I am trying to keep you on the road after I've read that you wanted to create for the active chessplayers. But if you want it, then continue your own creations in cooperation with Vince and in a couple of years of continual work you will become noted. In the meantime get real and please allow the integration into FRITZ as UCI FOR THE ACTIVE chessplayer and NOT only the testers. I am sure you are making a big mistake that could cost you the possible future of your business. All the best, Rolf
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