Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Fruit also

Author: Dann Corbit

Date: 18:17:47 09/06/05

Go up one level in this thread

On September 06, 2005 at 11:09:40, Christos Gitsis wrote:

>On September 06, 2005 at 10:44:52, Marc Lacrosse wrote:
>>On September 06, 2005 at 05:57:25, Shaley wrote:
>>>On September 06, 2005 at 05:30:20, Matthias Gemuh wrote:
>>>>>In my opinion, there're only two best programmes to date:
>>>>>Shredder and Hiarcs.
>>>>IMHO, Fruit also belongs to this special category.
>>>>Best regards,
>>>Well, may be Fruit WCCC is not that bad. However, the public version 2.1 seems a
>>>little inferior to Shredder or Hiarcs.
>>Inferior to Shredder 9 undoubtedly, by more or less 35 elo points.
>>But were did you see that hiarcs 9 is superior to Fruit 2.1 ?
>>In the CEGT tests at 40/40, there were 134 direct games between F21 and Hiarc9.
>>F21 won 63.8% (+61 =49 -24)and Fruit is estimated 45 points higher than hiarcs
>>with more than 95% statistical comfidence after thousands of games.
>He was probably talking about the new Hiarcs which has not been released yet.
>It won a 10 game match against Zappa 2.0 in ICC recently with a score of 6-4.

A ten game match is almost irrelevant, statistically.

Of course, so is a WCCC outcome.

An SSDF rating is a far, far better measure of strength if that is what is
intended to be measured.

We have this:
   1 Shredder 9.0 UCI  256MB Athlon 1200 MHz 2821   28   -27   704   67%  2697
   4 Junior 9.0  256MB Athlon 1200 MHz       2789   27   -26   745   67%  2666
   5 Deep Fritz 8.0  256MB Athlon 1200 MHz   2783   24   -23   942   70%  2633
  11 Gandalf 6.0  256MB  Athlon 1200 MHz     2742   26   -26   725   60%  2673
  13 Hiarcs 9.0  256MB Athlon 1200 MHz       2736   22   -21  1068   62%  2653
  14 Pro Deo 1.1  256MB Athlon 1200 MHz      2723   29   -28   617   64%  2622

It appears that Hiarcs 9 is about the same strength as the free Pro Deo 1.1

Which is not to say that it is not a wonderful program.  If there were a UCI or
Winboard version of Hiarcs 9, I would definitely buy it.

I guess that Hiarcs 9 is at least 100 Elo below the WCCC version of Fruit.

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