Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Collector's Corner..The Mother Of All Rare Dedicated Chess Computers

Author: Steve B

Date: 08:53:20 10/23/05

Rarity is a term that is heard  frequently when collecting the old computers

i have given my definition several times on these pages

IMO,limited production and high defect rates are the two single principal
determinates in considering if a computer is Ultra rare

while many computers are expensive this does not indicate rarity

a prime example of this would be the Tasc R30 which sold for $2000 when first
released but several thousand were sold

an example of computer's  that are Ultra rare due to high defect rates would be
the Novag Robot Adversary, Savants and Fidelity Travel Master
all of these computers sold in large quantities but it is almost impossible to
find examples of them today in perfectly working condition

on the World Famous site of Austrian collector Kurt Kispert there is a page for
"Rare" computers
however many of these computers are not really all that rare and many rare
computers do not appear on the  page
indeed Kurt himself told me he considers the selection there more of a
collection of "Interesting" computers then rare ones

i have set up an Album for what I consider to be the most rare computers,modules
and auxiliary items in my collection

the listing is not in any particular order and is only MY opinion of the rarest
items in my collection

Ultra Rare Collection:

Kurts Rare Page:

Best Regards

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Last modified: Thu, 15 Apr 21 08:11:13 -0700

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