Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Ikarus, FastMM4 and Delphi 2005?

Author: Kolss

Date: 07:43:51 11/22/05

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On November 22, 2005 at 09:06:51, Steve Maughan wrote:

>On a completely different topic - have you tried to compile Ikarus using
>FastMM4?  If you haven't, heard this is the new memory manager for Delphi 2006
>which is also available for earlier version of Delphi.  Did Ikarus gain any
>speed when compiled using Delphi 2005?  Certainly Delphi 2006 has some speed
>improvements so this should help you.  Any thoughts on releasing a UCI version
>of Ikarus?
>Steve Maughan


We have never tried FastMM4. In fact, I had never heard about it before... When
going from Delphi 2 to 5, 6, 7, and Delphi2005, Ikarus' speed did not change at
all. No idea about Delphi2006, as we don't have it. If FastMM4 works with
Delphi2005, we might give it a try - do you have any clue how much faster
executables get on average?! Would it be possible to get 10 or 20 %, i.e.
something significant (I couldn't care less about a 3 % increase in speed...)?

As for releasing Ikarus, there are no plans at the moment. We do have a UCI
version (Muntsin made it sort of for the sake of itself, as there already was a
Winboard version, so it was quite easy), but hardly ever use it, as there is no
reason to do so for us (nothing to be gained, so to speak).

Best regards - Munjong.

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