Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: PDA's vs. Portable Dedicated, Avalon don't do Q pawns

Author: Christophe Theron

Date: 09:25:16 03/23/99

Go up one level in this thread

On March 22, 1999 at 23:09:44, Eric Sinn wrote:

>I bought something that looked exactly like a Saitek Avalon about 2 years ago
>just when I started to play chess from toys R us.  I think that machine was a
>Kasparov something or another.  I figure I was just beginning and any machine
>was good enough for me.  Was I wrong.  Even at the hardest setting.  Me, a
>complete Novice in the game, was able to freak out the computer.
>Here is what I did.  Start with a Queen's pawn opening and proceed to play
>cautiously until there is a big traffic jam.  Then the computer will go crazy
>and take hours for a move and the move would be totally crazy (moving pieces
>there were not there or moving pieces to positions that it cannot go to.
>I thought, stupidly, that I was the next great champion for beating a machine
>after one month of learning the game.  Went and got a Kasparov GK2100 (cosmos
>now) and was promptly beaten mercilessly on fun level 6.  Still I am very fond
>of portable    chess computer and would appreciate opinions on what people think
>is the most powerful.  Do you think it is the Novag or GK2100 or something
>I notice at the 60 sec per move.  GK2100 is about as good as Fritz 5.32 at one
>second per move.  Quite a difference but not suprizing since the pentium II 233
>and 32 meg is quite an advantage over 10 Meg 1 K ram GK2100.

And guess what? Frans Morsch is the author of BOTH programs. He told me so
during the World Championship in Paris in 1997. He also told me the programs are
quite different, which is easy to understand.


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