Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Is Rybbka a fruit clone? [NT] no

Author: Sune Larsson

Date: 16:04:24 12/06/05

Go up one level in this thread

On December 06, 2005 at 13:28:22, F. Huber wrote:

>On December 06, 2005 at 13:14:40, Ziad Haddad wrote:
>>My excuses for Rybbka programmer. My post doesn't intend to denie his work, it
>>was simply a question like Toga is a Fruit clone.
>>Where to download this promising engine?
>You also should apologize to the author of Toga, because calling it a ´clone´
>of Fruit is wrong as well as unkind!
>Maybe you should better call it a ´derivative´, but for me this is simply the
>´Fruit family´:
>father (or mother) ... Fruit
>children ... Toga, GambitFruit ;-)

 Maybe we better call Fruit "mother" since "father" already is taken
 by a human...;-)

 And a little fish (rybka) must come from a big fish....err - time to sleep ;-)


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