Author: Gabor Szots
Date: 05:06:59 12/12/05
Go up one level in this thread
On December 12, 2005 at 07:28:50, George Tsavdaris wrote: >On December 12, 2005 at 07:18:32, Chrilly Donninger wrote: > >>On December 12, 2005 at 05:04:24, ludicrous wrote: >>> >>> >>>Hi Dr, Donninger, it's nice to hear from you again! >>> >>>You have access to Rybka's source codes? >> >>Everyone has of any programms he owns the detailed source-code. After all the >>Intel processor must also know what to do. Its just a matter if you can read >>assembly code or not. >>The code from where I know that Rybka uses PVS: >> >>.text:0040D156 call sub_40D1B0 >>.text:0040D15B mov esi, eax >>.text:0040D15D lea eax, [esp+278h+var_238] >>.text:0040D161 push eax >>.text:0040D162 push edi >>.text:0040D163 neg esi >>.text:0040D165 call sub_40A780 >>.text:0040D16A add esp, 18h >>.text:0040D16D cmp esi, [esp+268h+var_25C] >>.text:0040D171 jle short loc_40D183 >>.text:0040D173 cmp esi, ebx >>.text:0040D175 mov [esp+268h+var_25C], esi >>.text:0040D179 jle short loc_40D183 >>.text:0040D17B cmp esi, [ebp+arg_4] >>.text:0040D17E mov [ebp+arg_0], esi >>.text:0040D181 jge short loc_40D13A >> > >Can i ask what program are you using to produce this text from Rybka's exe? I think any disassembler will do.
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