Author: Vasik Rajlich
Date: 16:14:56 12/13/05
Go up one level in this thread
On December 13, 2005 at 16:29:53, Robert Hyatt wrote: >On December 13, 2005 at 11:52:03, Álvaro Begué wrote: > >>On December 13, 2005 at 08:47:51, Chrilly Donninger wrote: >> >>>Just for the curious, below is the code for the Rybka-Mate bug. I have seen >>>another bug in the Beta-Code too. There are in every programm hundreds of bugs, >>>so it would be more surprising to say: I have seen no other bug. >>> >>>.text:0040CD07 mov ebp, [esp+868h+var_854] >>>.text:0040CD0B cmp ebp, 0FFFF810Ch >>>.text:0040CD11 mov dword_667A14, edi >>>.text:0040CD17 jnz loc_40CDCA >>>.text:0040CD1D mov eax, [esp+868h+arg_C] >>>.text:0040CD24 neg al >>>.text:0040CD26 pop edi >>>.text:0040CD27 pop ebx >>>.text:0040CD28 pop esi >>>.text:0040CD29 pop ebp >>>.text:0040CD2A sbb eax, eax >>>.text:0040CD2C and eax, 0FFFF8300h >>>.text:0040CD31 add esp, 858h >>>.text:0040CD37 retn >>> >>>In C this reads as: >>>if(Bestscore == -32500( // No legal move found >>> if(InCheck) { >>> return -32000; >>> } >>> else { // Stalemate >>> return 0; >>> } >>>} >>> >>>The bug is, that all mates are the same. In fact shorter mates are better for >>>the mate-giving side (or worse for the mated side) than longer mates. One has to >>>subtract the Plies/Distance from the starting position. >>>The bug is in my opinion a consequence of a bad design decision. There are 2 >>>different "minus-infinite" values. In BestScore minus infinite is -32500, for >>>mate its -32000. If one sets bestscore at the first place to -32000+Ply one gets >>>cleaner and more efficient code and avoids the bug. >>>I had the same bug in Nimzo 1.0. But I must admit, that Rybka 1.0 is stronger. >>> >>>Chrilly >> >> >>I use the exact same solution that Chrilly proposes, combined with the "store >>only bounds for mating scores in the hash table" idea that I picked from Bruce >>Moreland's website. As far as I can tell, it works great. >> >>Álvaro. > >The question is "why store only bounds"? Makes no sense to me. I've always >stored exact (corrected for distance to root) for mate scores. Allows me to >store all the EGTB mates as well. > >Never understood the reasoning for not storing exact mate scores. Never had a >single problem doing so in either of my programs, spanning _many_ years... The problem is when the hash entry ages. Of course there are a number of workarounds .. Vas
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