Author: Vasik Rajlich
Date: 17:15:55 12/23/05
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On December 23, 2005 at 13:26:42, Zappa wrote: >So when I went to UIUC as a newly minted World Champion, they were interested >and after some negotiations I managed to procure some time on NCSA's Cobalt >supercomputer, an SGI Altix: > > > >At Paderborn Zappa will run on 128 CPUs as a bit of a warmup; at Turino I hope >to use 512. I haven't really had enough time to seriously optimize Zappa for >this machine, and I have been somewhat disappointed by the Itanium2 CPU, but the >results are still reasonably impressive. For example: > >r1b2r2/p1q1ppk1/6p1/3p3p/7P/5P2/PPPQ2P1/2K1RB1R b - - 0 9 > >1... Ra8-b8 2. g2-g4 h5xg4 3. h4-h5 Qc7-b6 4. b2-b3 Qb6-f6 5. Kc1-b1 Rf8-h8 6. >h5-h6 Kg7-g8 7. f3xg4 Bc8xg4 8. h6-h7 Kg8-f8 9. Qd2-h6 Kf8-e8 10. Bf1-d3 e7-e6 > = (-0.49) Depth: 17/45 00:03:37.11 5532448kN (25481 KN/s, 3558608 >splits, 294631 aborts) > >r1b2rk1/pp3ppp/1nn1p3/q2pP3/2pP1P2/P1P2NPB/2PB3P/R2QK2R w KQ - 0 8 > >1. Ke1-g1 Nc6-e7 2. Nf3-h4 Qa5-a4 3. Qd1-b1 Bc8-d7 4. Qb1-b2 Qa4-c6 5. Ra1-b1 >Qc6-c7 6. Nh4-g2 Ra8-c8 7. Kg1-h1 Ne7-f5 8. Ng2-e3 Nf5xe3 9. Bd2xe3 Rf8-d8 10. >Rb1-a1 > = (0.15) Depth: 20/46 00:04:33.59 7300957kN (26686 KN/s, 6497504 >splits, 503423 aborts) > >Single CPU Zappa on the I2 there gets about 300 knps, so that is an nps speedup >of 80-85. I'll probably get a bit less in Paderborn, as this is essentially the >World Champs version of Zappa, and I've been busy de-optimizing it since :) > >This is really only 1-2 ply deeper than my quad, but wait until Turino when I've >had some time to optimize things a bit . . . > >anthony Anthony, cool, good luck. It's good for all of us when monsters like this play in the tournaments. Looking forward to Paderborn. Vas
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