Author: Charles Roberson
Date: 08:08:43 12/24/05
Stuart, I looked it over. Looks nice and well thought out. However, it is a tuner and it takes effort to base an evaluation function on it. I implemented a simplified version some years ago for NoonianChess and it made my program worse. I tried tweaking NoonianChess' eval parameters based on the parameters it has and it made it worse. I must admit this is just my results. Done differently maybe it would have made it better. Also, a paper was published in the ICCA journal on the tuning efforts using the code. Refer to ICCA Journal Vol. 20 No. 4 December 1997, T.S. Anantharaman: Evaluation Tuning for Computer Chess: Linear Discrimination Methods. It is a very good read. The conclusions are interesting and some are obviously good areas to pursue. Charles
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