Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Movei-Gerbil in rhe endgame suite 20.5-9.5 and could be 21.5-8.5

Author: Stuart Cracraft

Date: 12:55:28 01/01/06

Go up one level in this thread

Congratulations on this crush.

On January 01, 2006 at 15:02:45, Uri Blass wrote:

>I tested Movei against Gerbil at 1 minutes/40 moves in the endgame test(A3000
>ponder off).
>This test helped me to detect some bug in probing tablebases of the latest
>version(the bug is new bug after I changed some code about the value of mate
>because I did not like the output on chessbase interface when movei say mate in
>0 for mate in 1).
>Movei won 20.5-9.5 but it lost 2 drawn positions because of the bug.
>Here are the games:
>Even 10-0 in the last 10 games cannot save Gerbil from defeat in the match so I
>stopped the match.
>[Event "Computer chess game"]
>[Site "URI-AMD"]
>[Date "2006.01.01"]
>[Round "1"]
>[White "Gerbil, Release 02"]
>[Black "movei00_8_336"]
>[Result "0-1"]
>[TimeControl "40/60"]
>[FEN "8/1ppr1kp1/p1p4p/8/8/5P2/PPP1RKPP/8 w - - 0 1"]
>[SetUp "1"]
>. . . . . . . .
>. p p r . k p .
>p . p . . . . p
>. . . . . . . .
>. . . . . . . .
>. . . . . P . .
>P P P . R K P P
>. . . . . . . .
>white to play
>1. b3 c5 2. c4 Kf6 3. h4 Rd4 4. g3 a5 5. f4 a4 6. h5 Rd3 7. bxa4 Ra3 8. a5
>Rxa5 9. Rb2 b6 10. g4 Ra6 11. Rc2 Ra7 12. Kg3 Ra5 13. Kh3 Ra3+ 14. Kg2 g6
>15. hxg6 Kxg6 16. Re2 h5 17. Re6+ Kf7 18. Rc6 hxg4 19. Rxc7+ Kg6 20. Rb7
>Rc3 21. Rxb6+ Kf5 22. Rb3 Rxb3 23. axb3 Kxf4 24. Kf2 Ke4 25. Kg3 Kd4 26.
>Kxg4 Kc3 27. Kf4 Kxb3 28. Kf3 Kxc4 29. Ke4 Kc3 30. Ke3 c4 31. Ke2 Kb2 32.
>Ke3 c3 33. Kd3 c2 34. Kd4 c1=Q 35. Ke4 Qg5 36. Kd4 Qe7 37. Kd5 Kc3 38. Kc6
>Kc4 39. Kb6 Qd7 40. Ka6 Kc5 41. Ka5 Qb5#
>{Movei->Black mates} 0-1
>[Event "Computer chess game"]
>[Site "URI-AMD"]
>[Date "2006.01.01"]
>[Round "2"]
>[White "movei00_8_336"]
>[Black "Gerbil, Release 02"]
>[Result "1-0"]
>[TimeControl "40/60"]
>[FEN "8/1ppr1kp1/p1p4p/8/8/5P2/PPP1RKPP/8 w - - 0 1"]
>[SetUp "1"]
>. . . . . . . .
>. p p r . k p .
>p . p . . . . p
>. . . . . . . .
>. . . . . . . .
>. . . . . P . .
>P P P . R K P P
>. . . . . . . .
>white to play
>1. Ke3 Kf6 2. Rd2 Re7+ 3. Kf2 c5 4. Rd8 c4 5. f4 c5 6. Rc8 b6 7. Rf8+ Ke6
>8. Rb8 b5 9. Ra8 b4 10. Rxa6+ Kd5 11. g3 c3 12. bxc3 bxc3 13. Ra4 g5 14. f5
>h5 15. h3 Kd6 16. Ra6+ Ke5 17. g4 Rd7 18. gxh5 Rd2+ 19. Kf3 Rxc2 20. f6 Rc1
>21. Ke2 c2 22. Kd2 Rf1 23. Kxc2 Rf3 24. h6 Rxf6 25. Rxf6 Kxf6 26. a4 Kg6
>27. a5 Kxh6 28. Kc3 Kh5 29. Kc4 Kh4 30. Kxc5 Kxh3 31. a6 g4 32. a7 g3 33.
>a8=Q g2 34. Qf3+ Kh2 35. Qf4+ Kh1 36. Qh6+ Kg1 37. Kd4 Kf1 38. Qf4+ Ke2 39.
>Qe3+ Kf1 40. Qf3+ Kg1 41. Qf4 Kh1 42. Qh4+ Kg1 43. Ke3 Kf1 44. Qf2#
>{Movei->White mates} 1-0
>[Event "Computer chess game"]
>[Site "URI-AMD"]
>[Date "2006.01.01"]
>[Round "1"]
>[White "Gerbil, Release 02"]
>[Black "movei00_8_336"]
>[Result "1/2-1/2"]
>[TimeControl "40/60"]
>[FEN "8/1pk3pp/p7/3p1p2/3K4/6P1/PP2PP1P/8 b - - 0 1"]
>[SetUp "1"]
>. . . . . . . .
>. p k . . . p p
>p . . . . . . .
>. . . p . p . .
>. . . K . . . .
>. . . . . . P .
>P P . . P P . P
>. . . . . . . .
>black to play
>1... Kd6 2. h4 a5 3. a4 h5 4. e3 b6 5. f3 Ke6 6. e4 dxe4 7. fxe4 Kf6 8. Kd5
>fxe4 9. Kxe4 Ke6 10. b3 g6 11. Kf4 Kf6 12. g4 hxg4 13. Kxg4 Ke6 14. Kg5 Kf7
>15. Kf4 Kf6 16. Ke4 Ke6 17. Kf4 Kf6 18. Ke4 Ke6 19. Kf4 Kf6
>{Movei-> Draw by repetition} 1/2-1/2
>[Event "Computer chess game"]
>[Site "URI-AMD"]
>[Date "2006.01.01"]
>[Round "2"]
>[White "movei00_8_336"]
>[Black "Gerbil, Release 02"]
>[Result "1-0"]
>[TimeControl "40/60"]
>[FEN "8/1pk3pp/p7/3p1p2/3K4/6P1/PP2PP1P/8 b - - 0 1"]
>[SetUp "1"]
>. . . . . . . .
>. p k . . . p p
>p . . . . . . .
>. . . p . p . .
>. . . K . . . .
>. . . . . . P .
>P P . . P P . P
>. . . . . . . .
>black to play
>1... Kd6 2. h4 b5 3. b4 g6 4. f4 Ke6 5. Kc5 d4 6. Kc6 Kf6 7. Kb6 Ke6 8.
>Kxa6 Kd5 9. Kxb5 Ke4 10. Kc5 Ke3 11. b5 Kf2 12. b6 Kxe2 13. Kxd4 Kf3 14. a4
>Kxg3 15. a5 g5 16. hxg5 Kxf4 17. b7 Kg4 18. a6 Kh5 19. a7 Kg4 20. b8=Q f4
>21. Qxf4+ Kxf4 22. a8=Q Kg3 23. Qe4 h5 24. g6 Kh2 25. g7 h4 26. g8=Q h3 27.
>Qd3 Kh1 28. Qxh3#
>{Movei->White mates} 1-0
>[Event "Computer chess game"]
>[Site "URI-AMD"]
>[Date "2006.01.01"]
>[Round "1"]
>[White "Gerbil, Release 02"]
>[Black "movei00_8_336"]
>[Result "1-0"]
>[TimeControl "40/60"]
>[FEN "8/4k3/r4pp1/pR6/P4KP1/5P2/8/8 w - - 0 1"]
>[SetUp "1"]
>. . . . . . . .
>. . . . k . . .
>r . . . . p p .
>p R . . . . . .
>P . . . . K P .
>. . . . . P . .
>. . . . . . . .
>. . . . . . . .
>white to play
>1. Ke4 Re6+ 2. Kf4 Ra6 3. Ke4 Re6+ 4. Kd3 Rd6+ 5. Ke2 Re6+ 6. Kd3 Rd6+ 7.
>Ke3 Re6+ 8. Kd4 Rd6+ 9. Ke3 Re6+ 10. Kd4 Rd6+ 11. Kc4 Rc6+ 12. Kd5 Rd6+ 13.
>Kc4 Rc6+ 14. Rc5 Kd7 15. Rxc6 Kxc6 16. f4 g5 17. f5 Kd6 18. Kb5 Kd5 19.
>Kxa5 Kc5 20. Ka6 Kc6 21. a5 Kc7 22. Kb5 Kb8 23. Kc6
>{Movei->black resign} 1-0
>[Event "Computer chess game"]
>[Site "URI-AMD"]
>[Date "2006.01.01"]
>[Round "2"]
>[White "movei00_8_336"]
>[Black "Gerbil, Release 02"]
>[Result "0-1"]
>[TimeControl "40/60"]
>[FEN "8/4k3/r4pp1/pR6/P4KP1/5P2/8/8 w - - 0 1"]
>[SetUp "1"]
>. . . . . . . .
>. . . . k . . .
>r . . . . p p .
>p R . . . . . .
>P . . . . K P .
>. . . . . P . .
>. . . . . . . .
>. . . . . . . .
>white to play
>1. Ke3 Ke6 2. f4 Kd6 3. Kf3 Kc7 4. g5 f5 5. Kf2 Ra8 6. Rd5 Kc6 7. Re5 Kd6
>8. Ke1 Rb8 9. Rxa5 Rb4 10. Ra6+ Kd5 11. a5 Ke4 12. Rxg6 Kxf4 13. a6 Ra4 14.
>Kd1 Kg4 15. Kc2 Kh5 16. Kb3 Ra5 17. Kb4 Ra2 18. Re6 Kxg5 19. Kb3 Ra1 20.
>Kb2 Ra5 21. Kc3 f4 22. a7 Rxa7 23. Kd2 Ra2+ 24. Ke1 f3 25. Rd6 Kf4 26. Re6
>Kf5 27. Rh6 Ke4 28. Rg6 Re2+ 29. Kf1 Rd2 30. Rh6 Ke5 31. Rg6 Rc2 32. Rh6
>Kf5 33. Rd6 Ke4 34. Re6+ Kf4 35. Rf6+ Ke4 36. Rg6 Ke5 37. Rh6 Ke4 38. Rg6
>Kd4 39. Rh6 Kd3 40. Rg6 Rb2 41. Rh6 Kd4 42. Rg6 Ra2 43. Rh6 Ke4 44. Rg6 Kd4
>45. Rh6 Ke4 46. Rg6 Rc2 47. Rh6 Ke5 48. Rg6 Kf5 49. Rh6 Ke5 50. Rg6 Rb2 51.
>Rh6 Kf5 52. Rd6 Ra2 53. Rh6 Kg5 54. Re6 Rh2 55. Rd6 Kf4 56. Re6 Rd2 57.
>Rf6+ Ke4 58. Rg6 Rb2 59. Rh6 Kf4 60. Rg6 Kf5 61. Rh6 Ke5 62. Rg6 Ke4 63.
>Rh6 Rd2 64. Rg6 Rc2 65. Rh6 Ke3 66. Rg6 Rc1#
>{Black mates} 0-1
>[Event "Computer chess game"]
>[Site "URI-AMD"]
>[Date "2006.01.01"]
>[Round "1"]
>[White "Gerbil, Release 02"]
>[Black "movei00_8_336"]
>[Result "0-1"]
>[TimeControl "40/60"]
>[FEN "8/p1p1k3/1p1p2p1/3Pq2p/2P1P3/1P3QPK/P7/8 w - - 0 1"]
>[SetUp "1"]
>. . . . . . . .
>p . p . k . . .
>. p . p . . p .
>. . . P q . . p
>. . P . P . . .
>. P . . . Q P K
>P . . . . . . .
>. . . . . . . .
>white to play
>1. g4 hxg4+ 2. Kxg4 Qh5+ 3. Kg3 Qxf3+ 4. Kxf3 g5 5. Kg3 Kf6 6. Kg4 Ke5 7.
>Kxg5 Kxe4 8. Kf6 b5 9. Ke7 bxc4 10. bxc4 Kd4 11. Kd7 Kxc4 12. Kc6 a5 13. a4
>Kd4 14. Kxc7 Kxd5 15. Kb6 Kc4 16. Kxa5 Kc5 17. Ka6 d5 18. a5 d4 19. Kb7 d3
>20. a6 d2 21. a7 d1=Q
>{White resigns} 0-1
>[Event "Computer chess game"]
>[Site "URI-AMD"]
>[Date "2006.01.01"]
>[Round "2"]
>[White "movei00_8_336"]
>[Black "Gerbil, Release 02"]
>[Result "1-0"]
>[TimeControl "40/60"]
>[FEN "8/p1p1k3/1p1p2p1/3Pq2p/2P1P3/1P3QPK/P7/8 w - - 0 1"]
>[SetUp "1"]
>. . . . . . . .
>p . p . k . . .
>. p . p . . p .
>. . . P q . . p
>. . P . P . . .
>. P . . . Q P K
>P . . . . . . .
>. . . . . . . .
>white to play
>1. g4 hxg4+ 2. Qxg4 Qh8+ 3. Kg3 Qe5+ 4. Qf4 a5 5. Qxe5+ dxe5 6. Kg4 Kd6 7.
>Kg5 Kc5 8. Kxg6 Kb4 9. Kf5 a4 10. Ke6 axb3 11. axb3 Kxb3 12. Kd7 Kxc4 13.
>Kxc7 Kd4 14. Kxb6 Kxe4 15. d6 Kf3 16. d7 e4 17. d8=Q e3 18. Qh4 e2 19. Kc5
>Ke3 20. Kc4 e1=Q 21. Qxe1+ Kf4 22. Kd5 Kg4 23. Ke5 Kf3 24. Kf5 Kg2 25. Kf4
>Kh2 26. Kf3 Kh3 27. Qg3#
>{Movei->White mates} 1-0
>[Event "Computer chess game"]
>[Site "URI-AMD"]
>[Date "2006.01.01"]
>[Round "1"]
>[White "Gerbil, Release 02"]
>[Black "movei00_8_336"]
>[Result "1/2-1/2"]
>[TimeControl "40/60"]
>[FEN "8/p3ppk1/1p4pp/3nN3/6PP/1P3P2/P3PK2/8 w - - 0 1"]
>[SetUp "1"]
>. . . . . . . .
>p . . . p p k .
>. p . . . . p p
>. . . n N . . .
>. . . . . . P P
>. P . . . P . .
>P . . . P K . .
>. . . . . . . .
>white to play
>1. Nc6 a5 2. e4 Nb4 3. Nxb4 axb4 4. e5 f6 5. f4 Kf7 6. Ke3 fxe5 7. fxe5 h5
>8. gxh5 gxh5 9. Kd4 Kg6 10. Ke4 e6 11. Kf4 Kh6 12. Ke4 Kg6 13. Kf4 Kh6 14.
>Ke4 Kg6
>{Movei-> Draw by repetition} 1/2-1/2
>[Event "Computer chess game"]
>[Site "URI-AMD"]
>[Date "2006.01.01"]
>[Round "2"]
>[White "movei00_8_336"]
>[Black "Gerbil, Release 02"]
>[Result "1/2-1/2"]
>[TimeControl "40/60"]
>[FEN "8/p3ppk1/1p4pp/3nN3/6PP/1P3P2/P3PK2/8 w - - 0 1"]
>[SetUp "1"]
>. . . . . . . .
>p . . . p p k .
>. p . . . . p p
>. . . n N . . .
>. . . . . . P P
>. P . . . P . .
>P . . . P K . .
>. . . . . . . .
>white to play
>1. e4 Nb4 2. a3 Nc2 3. Nc6 Nxa3 4. Nxa7 e5 5. g5 hxg5 6. hxg5 Nc2 7. Nc6 f6
>8. Ke2 Na3 9. Nb8 fxg5 10. Nd7 Nc2 11. Nxe5 Nd4+ 12. Ke3 Nxb3 13. Nc4 b5
>14. Na3 Kf6 15. Nxb5 Ke5 16. Nc3 Nd4 17. Nd5 Nc2+ 18. Kd3 Nd4 19. f4+ gxf4
>20. Nxf4 Kxf4 21. Kxd4 g5 22. e5 g4 23. e6 g3 24. Kc4 g2 25. e7 g1=Q 26.
>e8=Q Qc1+ 27. Kd4 Qd2+ 28. Kc4 Qd6 29. Qf7+ Ke4 30. Qe8+ Kf4 31. Qf7+ Ke4
>32. Qe8+ Qe5 33. Qf7 Qd4+ 34. Kb5 Qd6 35. Qe8+ Kd3 36. Qf7 Qe5+ 37. Kb6
>Qd6+ 38. Kb7 Ke3 39. Qe8+ Kd4 40. Qf7 Qb4+ 41. Kc7 Qa5+ 42. Kd7 Qa7+ 43.
>Ke8 Qa8+ 44. Ke7 Qb7+ 45. Ke8 Qc8+ 46. Ke7 Qb7+ 47. Ke8 Qb8+ 48. Ke7 Qe5+
>49. Kd7 Qb5+ 50. Ke7 Qc5+ 51. Kd7 Qa7+ 52. Ke8 Qa8+ 53. Ke7 Qa3+ 54. Kd7
>Qa4+ 55. Ke7 Qb4+ 56. Kd7 Qb5+ 57. Ke7 Qe5+ 58. Kd7 Ke4 59. Qe8 Qxe8+ 60.
>{Movei->Draw by insufficient material} 1/2-1/2
>[Event "Computer chess game"]
>[Site "URI-AMD"]
>[Date "2006.01.01"]
>[Round "1"]
>[White "Gerbil, Release 02"]
>[Black "movei00_8_336"]
>[Result "0-1"]
>[TimeControl "40/60"]
>[FEN "7k/pp4pp/2n5/8/8/P7/1P4PP/2K1B3 b - - 0 1"]
>[SetUp "1"]
>. . . . . . . k
>p p . . . . p p
>. . n . . . . .
>. . . . . . . .
>. . . . . . . .
>P . . . . . . .
>. P . . . . P P
>. . K . B . . .
>black to play
>1... Kg8 2. Bc3 Kf7 3. Kc2 g5 4. Kd3 Ke6 5. Ke4 Ne7 6. b4 b5 7. Bd2 h6 8.
>h3 Nd5 9. Kd4 Nb6 10. Kc5 Nc4 11. Bc1 Nd6 12. g4 Ke7 13. h4 gxh4 14. Bxh6
>Ke6 15. Bf4 Nc4 16. a4 Ne5 17. Bxe5 Kxe5 18. Kxb5 h3 19. Ka6 h2 20. Kxa7
>h1=Q 21. b5 Qg1+ 22. b6 Qxg4 23. a5 Qd4 24. Ka6 Qc4+ 25. Ka7 Qb5 26. a6 Kd6
>27. Kb7 Qc4 28. Ka7 Qg8 29. Kb7 Kd7 30. Ka7 Kc6 31. b7 Kc7 32. b8=R Qxb8#
>{Movei->Black mates} 0-1
>[Event "Computer chess game"]
>[Site "URI-AMD"]
>[Date "2006.01.01"]
>[Round "2"]
>[White "movei00_8_336"]
>[Black "Gerbil, Release 02"]
>[Result "1-0"]
>[TimeControl "40/60"]
>[FEN "7k/pp4pp/2n5/8/8/P7/1P4PP/2K1B3 b - - 0 1"]
>[SetUp "1"]
>. . . . . . . k
>p p . . . . p p
>. . n . . . . .
>. . . . . . . .
>. . . . . . . .
>P . . . . . . .
>. P . . . . P P
>. . K . B . . .
>black to play
>1... b6 2. Kc2 Ne5 3. Bg3 Nd7 4. Kb3 a6 5. Kc4 Nf6 6. Bf2 Ng4 7. Bxb6 Nxh2
>8. Kb4 g5 9. Ka5 Kg7 10. Kxa6 Ng4 11. a4 Kf6 12. a5 Ke5 13. Kb5 Ne3 14.
>Bxe3 Kd6 15. Kb6 Kd5 16. Bxg5 Ke5 17. a6 Kf5 18. Bd8 Ke4 19. b4 Ke3 20. Kc5
>Kf2 21. b5 h5 22. a7 Kxg2 23. a8=Q+ Kg3 24. Qf3+ Kxf3 25. b6 h4 26. b7 h3
>27. b8=Q Ke4 28. Bg5 Kf3 29. Qf4+ Kg2 30. Bh4 Kg1 31. Bg3 Kg2 32. Qf2+ Kh1
>33. Qh2#
>{Movei->White mates} 1-0
>[Event "Computer chess game"]
>[Site "URI-AMD"]
>[Date "2006.01.01"]
>[Round "1"]
>[White "Gerbil, Release 02"]
>[Black "movei00_8_336"]
>[Result "0-1"]
>[TimeControl "40/60"]
>[FEN "8/8/p4Bp1/1pPb2P1/1P2kp2/P7/5K2/8 w - - 0 1"]
>[SetUp "1"]
>. . . . . . . .
>. . . . . . . .
>p . . . . B p .
>. p P b . . P .
>. P . . k p . .
>P . . . . . . .
>. . . . . K . .
>. . . . . . . .
>white to play
>1. Bc3 Ba8 2. Bf6 Bc6 3. Kf1 Kf3 4. Bd8 Ke3 5. Bc7 f3 6. Bh2 Bb7 7. Be5 a5
>8. Bg3 a4 9. Kg1 Kd2 10. Kf2 Kc3 11. Ke3 Ba8 12. Bf2 Kb3 13. Kd4 Kxa3 14.
>Kc3 Ka2 15. Kc2 Be4+ 16. Kc3 Kb1 17. Kd2 a3 18. Bd4 a2 19. Ke3 Bc6 20. Kf2
>a1=Q 21. Bxa1 Kxa1 22. Ke3 Kb2 23. Kd2 Ka3 24. Ke3 Kxb4 25. Kd2 Ka3 26. Kd3
>b4 27. Kd4 f2 28. Ke5 f1=Q 29. Kd6 Qf3 30. Ke7 b3 31. Kd6 b2 32. Kc7 Qd5
>33. Kb6 Qd7 34. Ka6 Qb7+ 35. Ka5 Qa7#
>{Movei->Black mates} 0-1
>[Event "Computer chess game"]
>[Site "URI-AMD"]
>[Date "2006.01.01"]
>[Round "2"]
>[White "movei00_8_336"]
>[Black "Gerbil, Release 02"]
>[Result "0-1"]
>[TimeControl "40/60"]
>[FEN "8/8/p4Bp1/1pPb2P1/1P2kp2/P7/5K2/8 w - - 0 1"]
>[SetUp "1"]
>. . . . . . . .
>. . . . . . . .
>p . . . . B p .
>. p P b . . P .
>. P . . k p . .
>P . . . . . . .
>. . . . . K . .
>. . . . . . . .
>white to play
>1. Be7 f3 2. Bd8 Kd3 3. Bc7 Kc3 4. Ke3 Kb3 5. Bg3 Kxa3 6. Be1 a5 7. Kd4 Bc6
>8. bxa5 b4 9. Kd3 b3 10. Bc3 b2 11. Bxb2+ Kxb2 12. Kd2 Kb3 13. Kd3 Kb4 14.
>a6 Kxc5
>{Movei->white resign} 0-1
>[Event "Computer chess game"]
>[Site "URI-AMD"]
>[Date "2006.01.01"]
>[Round "1"]
>[White "Gerbil, Release 02"]
>[Black "movei00_8_336"]
>[Result "1/2-1/2"]
>[TimeControl "40/60"]
>[FEN "8/4k3/p1B4p/2K5/1P4bP/8/8/8 b - - 0 1"]
>[SetUp "1"]
>. . . . . . . .
>. . . . k . . .
>p . B . . . . p
>. . K . . . . .
>. P . . . . b P
>. . . . . . . .
>. . . . . . . .
>. . . . . . . .
>black to play
>1... Be2 2. Be4 Kf6 3. Kd5 Bf1 4. Bh7 Bg2+ 5. Kc5 Bf1 6. Kd6 Bc4 7. Bb1 Bf1
>8. Bc2 Bc4 9. Be4 Bb5 10. Bb1 Bf1 11. Kd5 Bb5 12. Bh7 Bf1 13. Bb1 Bb5 14.
>Bh7 Bf1 15. Bc2 Be2 16. Be4 Bf1 17. Bc2 Be2 18. Kd6 Bc4 19. Kc5 Bf1 20. Kd4
>Ke6 21. Bb1 Bb5 22. Be4 Be2 23. Bc2 Bf1 24. Bb1 Bb5 25. Bh7 Bf1 26. Bc2 Bb5
>27. Bb1 Be2 28. Ke4 Bc4 29. Bc2 Kf6 30. Bd1 Bf1 31. Bg4 Bg2+ 32. Kd4 Bf1
>33. Ke4 Bg2+ 34. Kd4 Bf1 35. Kd5 Bd3 36. Bh3 Kg6 37. Kd4 Be2 38. Ke3 Bb5
>39. Bg4 Kf6 40. Ke4 Bc6+ 41. Kf4 Bb5 42. Bh5 Bc4 43. Ke4 Bb5 44. Bd1 Bf1
>45. Bf3 Bb5 46. Bg4 Bc6+ 47. Kf4 Bb5 48. h5 Bf1 49. Bd1 Bc4 50. Bg4 Bf1 51.
>Bf5 Be2 52. Bc8 Bd3 53. Bb7 Be2 54. Ke3 Bb5 55. Kd4 Kg5 56. Bf3 Be8 57. Be2
>Bb5 58. Bxb5 axb5 59. Kc5 Kxh5 60. Kxb5 Kg5 61. Kc5 h5 62. b5 h4 63. b6 h3
>64. b7 h2 65. b8=Q h1=Q 66. Qe5+ Kg6 67. Qe6+ Kg7 68. Qf5 Qg2 69. Kd6 Qb7
>70. Qe5+ Kh7 71. Ke6 Qa8 72. Qh5+ Kg7 73. Qg5+ Kh7 74. Qf5+ Kg7 75. Qe5+
>Kh7 76. Qf5+ Kg7 77. Qg4+ Kh7 78. Qh5+ Kg7 79. Qg5+ Kh7 80. Qe7+ Kh8 81.
>Qh4+ Kg8 82. Qg4+ Kh8 83. Qd4+ Kg8 84. Qc4 Qb7 85. Kf6+ Kh8 86. Qh4+ Kg8
>87. Qg3+ Kh8 88. Qh4+ Kg8 89. Qg3+ Kh8 90. Qh2+ Kg8 91. Qg1+ Kh8 92. Qh2+
>Kg8 93. Qg1+ Kh8 94. Qe1 Qc6+ 95. Qe6 Qb7 96. Qe8+ Kh7 97. Qg6+ Kh8 98.
>Qh6+ Kg8 99. Qg5+ Kh8 100. Qh5+ Kg8 101. Qe8+ Kh7 102. Qh5+ Kg8 103. Qg5+
>Kh8 104. Qh6+ Kg8 105. Qg6+ Kh8 106. Qf5 Qc6+ 107. Ke7 Qb7+ 108. Kd6 Qa8
>109. Qf6+ Kg8 110. Qg6+ Kh8 111. Qf6+ Kg8 112. Qf5 Qb7 113. Qe6+ Kh8 114.
>Qd5 Qxd5+ 115. Kxd5
>{Insufficient material} 1/2-1/2
>[Event "Computer chess game"]
>[Site "URI-AMD"]
>[Date "2006.01.01"]
>[Round "2"]
>[White "movei00_8_336"]
>[Black "Gerbil, Release 02"]
>[Result "1-0"]
>[TimeControl "40/60"]
>[FEN "8/4k3/p1B4p/2K5/1P4bP/8/8/8 b - - 0 1"]
>[SetUp "1"]
>. . . . . . . .
>. . . . k . . .
>p . B . . . . p
>. . K . . . . .
>. P . . . . b P
>. . . . . . . .
>. . . . . . . .
>. . . . . . . .
>black to play
>1... Kf6 2. Kb6 Be2 3. Bb7 Kg6 4. Bxa6 Bf3 5. Kc5 Kh5 6. Bc4 Kxh4 7. b5 Kg5
>8. b6 Bb7 9. Bd5 Ba6 10. Kc6 h5 11. Kc7 Kf4 12. Bc4 Bxc4 13. b7 Bd5 14.
>b8=Q Bf3 15. Qh8 Kg4 16. Kd6 h4 17. Ke5 Kg3 18. Qg7+ Kh2 19. Kf4 Bg2 20.
>Qg4 Kg1 21. Qxh4 Kf1 22. Ke3 Kg1 23. Qg3 Kh1 24. Kf2 Be4 25. Qh4#
>{Movei->White mates} 1-0
>[Event "Computer chess game"]
>[Site "URI-AMD"]
>[Date "2006.01.01"]
>[Round "1"]
>[White "Gerbil, Release 02"]
>[Black "movei00_8_336"]
>[Result "0-1"]
>[TimeControl "40/60"]
>[FEN "3R4/1p6/2b5/2P1k2p/p3p2P/P6r/1P2KB2/8 b - - 0 1"]
>[SetUp "1"]
>. . . R . . . .
>. p . . . . . .
>. . b . . . . .
>. . P . k . . p
>p . . . p . . P
>P . . . . . . r
>. P . . K B . .
>. . . . . . . .
>black to play
>1... Bd5 2. Rh8 Bc4+ 3. Kd2 Rd3+ 4. Ke1 e3 5. Re8+ Kf4 6. Bg1 Kf3 7. Bh2
>Rd2 8. Rf8+ Kg2 9. Bc7 Rxb2 10. Rd8 Rf2 11. Kd1 e2+ 12. Kd2 Kf1 13. Kc1
>{White resigns} 0-1
>[Event "Computer chess game"]
>[Site "URI-AMD"]
>[Date "2006.01.01"]
>[Round "2"]
>[White "movei00_8_336"]
>[Black "Gerbil, Release 02"]
>[Result "1-0"]
>[TimeControl "40/60"]
>[FEN "3R4/1p6/2b5/2P1k2p/p3p2P/P6r/1P2KB2/8 b - - 0 1"]
>[SetUp "1"]
>. . . R . . . .
>. p . . . . . .
>. . b . . . . .
>. . P . k . . p
>p . . . p . . P
>P . . . . . . r
>. P . . K B . .
>. . . . . . . .
>black to play
>1... Rb3 2. Bd4+ Kf4 3. Bc3 Kg4 4. Rg8+ Kxh4 5. Kf2 Bd5 6. Rg3 e3+ 7. Rxe3
>Kg4 8. Rg3+ Kf4 9. Rd3 Bc6 10. Rd4+ Kg5 11. Kg3 Rb5 12. Bb4 Kf5 13. Kh4 Bf3
>14. Rd7 Ke4 15. Kg5 Ke3 16. Re7+ Kd4 17. Kf4 Bc6 18. Re2 Kd3 19. Rh2 Be8
>20. Rg2 Kd4 21. Rg8 Bf7 22. Rf8 Bg6 23. Rf6 Bc2 24. Rh6 Bb3 25. Rd6+ Bd5
>26. Rd7 Kc4 27. Ke5 Bh1 28. Rd4+ Kb3 29. Rh4 Bc6 30. Rxh5 Kxb2 31. Rh4 Kb3
>32. Rh2 Bd7 33. Rh7 Bg4 34. Rg7 Be2 35. Kd4 b6 36. Rg3+ Kc2 37. c6 Rh5 38.
>Rc3+ Kb2 39. c7 Rh4+ 40. Ke3 Ba6 41. Rc6 Bc8 42. Rxb6 Rh3+ 43. Kd2 Rh2+ 44.
>Kd3 Rh7 45. Bd6+ Ka2 46. Ke4 Rh6 47. Kd5 Re6 48. Rb8 Re8 49. Kc6 Rg8 50.
>Rxc8 Rxc8 51. Kb7 Re8 52. c8=Q Rxc8 53. Kxc8 Kb3 54. Kc7 Kb2 55. Kc6 Kc2
>56. Bf8 Kc3 57. Kb5 Kd3 58. Kxa4 Kc4 59. Ka5 Kd5 60. Kb6 Ke6 61. a4 Kd7 62.
>a5 Kc8 63. Bd6 Kd7 64. Kc5 Ke6 65. a6 Kf5 66. a7 Ke4 67. a8=Q+
>{Black resigns} 1-0
>[Event "Computer chess game"]
>[Site "URI-AMD"]
>[Date "2006.01.01"]
>[Round "1"]
>[White "Gerbil, Release 02"]
>[Black "movei00_8_336"]
>[Result "1-0"]
>[TimeControl "40/60"]
>[FEN "8/5b2/1k2p1p1/2NpP1P1/1K1P4/8/8/8 w - - 0 1"]
>[SetUp "1"]
>. . . . . . . .
>. . . . . b . .
>. k . . p . p .
>. . N p P . P .
>. K . P . . . .
>. . . . . . . .
>. . . . . . . .
>. . . . . . . .
>white to play
>1. Na4+ Kc7 2. Ka5 Kb7 3. Nc5+ Kc7 4. Na6+ Kd7 5. Kb6 Be8 6. Nc5+ Ke7 7.
>Ka6 Bc6 8. Kb6 Be8 9. Kc7 Bb5 10. Nb7 Be2 11. Na5 Bg4 12. Nc6+ Ke8 13. Kd6
>Bf5 14. Nb8 Kf7 15. Nc6 Ke8 16. Na5 Kd8 17. Nb7+ Ke8 18. Nc5 Kf7 19. Nb7
>Ke8 20. Nc5 Kf7 21. Kd7 Kf8 22. Nb7 Kg8 23. Ke7 Be4 24. Kxe6 Kg7 25. Kd7
>Bd3 26. Nc5 Bc4 27. e6
>{Movei->black resign} 1-0
>[Event "Computer chess game"]
>[Site "URI-AMD"]
>[Date "2006.01.01"]
>[Round "2"]
>[White "movei00_8_336"]
>[Black "Gerbil, Release 02"]
>[Result "1/2-1/2"]
>[TimeControl "40/60"]
>[FEN "8/5b2/1k2p1p1/2NpP1P1/1K1P4/8/8/8 w - - 0 1"]
>[SetUp "1"]
>. . . . . . . .
>. . . . . b . .
>. k . . p . p .
>. . N p P . P .
>. K . P . . . .
>. . . . . . . .
>. . . . . . . .
>. . . . . . . .
>white to play
>1. Nd3 Bg8 2. Kb3 Kb5 3. Nc1 Bf7 4. Ne2 Bg8 5. Ng1 Bf7 6. Kc3 Be8 7. Nf3
>Ka5 8. Nh4 Bf7 9. Kb3 Kb5 10. Ng2 Bg8 11. Ne3 Kb6 12. Ka4 Bf7 13. Ng2 Kc6
>14. Nf4 Kd7 15. Nh3 Kc6 16. Ka5 Be8 17. Nf4 Bf7 18. Kb4 Kb6 19. Ne2 Be8 20.
>Kb3 Ka5 21. Nf4 Bf7 22. Nh3 Kb5 23. Kc3 Ka4 24. Ng1 Ka5 25. Kc2 Kb4 26. Kd3
>Be8 27. Nh3 Kb3 28. Nf4 Bf7 29. Ng2 Be8 30. Nh4 Bb5+ 31. Kd2 Kc4 32. Ke3
>Be8 33. Ng2 Bf7 34. Nf4 Kc3 35. Nd3 Be8 36. Nc5 Bf7 37. Na4+ Kc4 38. Nb6+
>Kc3 39. Nd7 Be8 40. Nf8 Bf7 41. Nh7 Kc4 42. Nf6 Kc3 43. Ng4 Be8 44. Nh6 Kb3
>45. Kd3 Bb5+ 46. Kd2 Kc4 47. Ke3 Be8 48. Ng8 Ba4 49. Nf6 Bb5 50. Ng4 Bc6
>{Draw by 50-move rule} 1/2-1/2
>[Event "Computer chess game"]
>[Site "URI-AMD"]
>[Date "2006.01.01"]
>[Round "1"]
>[White "Gerbil, Release 02"]
>[Black "movei00_8_336"]
>[Result "1-0"]
>[TimeControl "40/60"]
>[FEN "8/5pk1/r5pp/P7/3R3P/6P1/5PK1/8 w - - 0 1"]
>[SetUp "1"]
>. . . . . . . .
>. . . . . p k .
>r . . . . . p p
>P . . . . . . .
>. . . R . . . P
>. . . . . . P .
>. . . . . P K .
>. . . . . . . .
>white to play
>1. Rd5 Kf6 2. h5 Rc6 3. f4 Ke7 4. Rb5 Rc2+ 5. Kf3 Rc3+ 6. Kg4 gxh5+ 7. Rxh5
>Ra3 8. Re5+ Kf6 9. Rc5 Ke7 10. Rc7+ Ke6 11. Rc6+ Kd7 12. Rxh6 Rxa5 13. f5
>Ke7 14. Kg5 Ra3 15. g4 Ra4 16. Rh2 f6+ 17. Kh5 Ra8 18. Re2+ Kf8 19. Kg6 Ra4
>20. Kxf6 Rxg4 21. Ke6 Rh4 22. f6 Rg4 23. Rc2 Rh4 24. Rc8#
>{White mates} 1-0
>[Event "Computer chess game"]
>[Site "URI-AMD"]
>[Date "2006.01.01"]
>[Round "2"]
>[White "movei00_8_336"]
>[Black "Gerbil, Release 02"]
>[Result "1-0"]
>[TimeControl "40/60"]
>[FEN "8/5pk1/r5pp/P7/3R3P/6P1/5PK1/8 w - - 0 1"]
>[SetUp "1"]
>. . . . . . . .
>. . . . . p k .
>r . . . . . p p
>P . . . . . . .
>. . . R . . . P
>. . . . . . P .
>. . . . . P K .
>. . . . . . . .
>white to play
>1. Rd5 h5 2. Rb5 Rc6 3. Rb6 Rc2 4. a6 Ra2 5. Kf3 Ra5 6. Rc6 Ra2 7. Rd6 f5
>8. Rd7+ Kf6 9. a7 Ke5 10. Rf7 Ra3+ 11. Ke2 Ke6 12. Rg7 Kf6 13. Rb7 f4 14.
>Kd2 fxg3 15. fxg3 Kf5 16. Rg7 Kf6 17. Rd7 Kf5 18. Kc1 Kg4 19. Kb2 Ra5 20.
>Kb3 Kh3 21. Kc4 Kg4 22. Rc7 Kh3 23. Kb4 Ra1 24. Kb5 Kxg3 25. Rd7 Kf3 26.
>Rg7 Kf4 27. Kb6 Kf5 28. Rg8 Rxa7 29. Kxa7 Kf6 30. Rf8+ Kg7 31. Rf1 Kg8 32.
>Kb7 Kg7 33. Kc7 Kh7 34. Kd6 g5 35. hxg5 Kg6 36. Rg1 h4 37. Ke5 h3 38. Rh1
>Kxg5 39. Rxh3 Kg4 40. Re3 Kg5 41. Rg3+
>{Black resigns} 1-0
>[Event "Computer chess game"]
>[Site "URI-AMD"]
>[Date "2006.01.01"]
>[Round "1"]
>[White "Gerbil, Release 02"]
>[Black "movei00_8_336"]
>[Result "1/2-1/2"]
>[TimeControl "40/60"]
>[FEN "4b3/5k2/4p1p1/3pP2p/2pP1P1P/2P5/6N1/2K5 w - - 0 1"]
>[SetUp "1"]
>. . . . b . . .
>. . . . . k . .
>. . . . p . p .
>. . . p P . . p
>. . p P . P . P
>. . P . . . . .
>. . . . . . N .
>. . K . . . . .
>white to play
>1. Kb2 Ke7 2. Ka3 Kd7 3. Kb4 Kc6 4. Ne1 Kb6 5. Nf3 Bc6 6. Ne1 Be8 7. Ng2
>Kc6 8. Ne3 Kb7 9. Ka5 Bc6 10. Nf1 Ka7 11. Nd2 Kb7 12. Nf3 Bd7 13. Ng5 Kc7
>14. Kb4 Kb6 15. Nh7 Be8 16. Nf8 Bf7 17. Nd7+ Kc6 18. Nc5 Kc7 19. Na4 Be8
>20. Nc5 Bf7 21. Na4 Be8 22. Ka5 Bxa4 23. Kxa4 Kc6 24. Ka5 Kc7 25. Ka6 Kc6
>26. Ka5 Kc7 27. Kb5 Kb7 28. Kc5 Kc7 29. Kb4 Kb6 30. Ka4 Kc6 31. Kb4 Kb6 32.
>Ka4 Kc6
>{Draw by repetition} 1/2-1/2
>[Event "Computer chess game"]
>[Site "URI-AMD"]
>[Date "2006.01.01"]
>[Round "2"]
>[White "movei00_8_336"]
>[Black "Gerbil, Release 02"]
>[Result "1-0"]
>[TimeControl "40/60"]
>[FEN "4b3/5k2/4p1p1/3pP2p/2pP1P1P/2P5/6N1/2K5 w - - 0 1"]
>[SetUp "1"]
>. . . . b . . .
>. . . . . k . .
>. . . . p . p .
>. . . p P . . p
>. . p P . P . P
>. . P . . . . .
>. . . . . . N .
>. . K . . . . .
>white to play
>1. Ne3 Ke7 2. Kd1 Kd7 3. Ke2 Kc6 4. Ke1 Kb5 5. Nf1 Ka4 6. Kd2 Kb3 7. Nh2
>Kb2 8. Nf3 Bf7 9. Ng5 Bg8 10. Nh3 Bf7 11. Ng1 Be8 12. Nf3 Bf7 13. Ne1 Be8
>14. Ng2 Bc6 15. f5 gxf5 16. Nf4 Bd7 17. Nxh5 Be8 18. Nf4 Bf7 19. h5 Bg8 20.
>h6 Ka2 21. Nxe6 Ka3 22. Nf4 Kb2 23. e6 Ka2 24. e7 Bf7 25. h7 Be8 26. h8=Q
>Bd7 27. Qb8 Ba4 28. Kc1 Bb5 29. Qxb5 Ka3 30. Qb4+ Ka2 31. Qa4#
>{Movei->White mates} 1-0
>[Event "Computer chess game"]
>[Site "URI-AMD"]
>[Date "2006.01.01"]
>[Round "1"]
>[White "Gerbil, Release 02"]
>[Black "movei00_8_336"]
>[Result "1/2-1/2"]
>[TimeControl "40/60"]
>[FEN "8/1p1b2k1/p1p1p1p1/2P1P2p/1P3P1P/P2B4/5K2/8 w - - 0 1"]
>[SetUp "1"]
>. . . . . . . .
>. p . b . . k .
>p . p . p . p .
>. . P . P . . p
>. P . . . P . P
>P . . B . . . .
>. . . . . K . .
>. . . . . . . .
>white to play
>1. Ke3 Be8 2. Kd4 Kf8 3. Kc3 Bf7 4. Kb3 Ke7 5. Ka4 Kd7 6. Ka5 Kc7 7. a4 Be8
>8. Be4 Bf7 9. Bc2 Be8 10. Be4 Bf7 11. Bc2 Be8 12. Bb1 Bf7 13. Be4 Be8 14.
>Bd3 Bf7 15. Be4 Be8 16. Bd3 Bf7 17. Bc4 Bg8 18. Ba2 Bf7 19. Bc4 Bg8 20. Ba2
>Bf7 21. Bb3 Bg8 22. Bc4 Bf7 23. b5 cxb5 24. axb5 axb5 25. Bxb5 Bg8 26. Be8
>Bh7 27. Kb4 Kc8 28. Kb3 Kd8 29. Bb5 Bg8 30. Kc3 Bf7 31. Kb4 Kc7 32. Ka5 Bg8
>33. Be8 Bh7 34. Kb4 Kc8 35. Ba4 Bg8 36. Bd1 Kc7 37. Ba4 Kc8 38. Kb5 Kc7 39.
>Bc2 Bf7 40. Be4 Be8+ 41. Kb4 b6 42. c6 Bxc6 43. Bxg6 Bf3 44. Kc3 Kc6 45.
>Kd4 Kc7 46. Ke3 Bd1 47. Be8 Bg4 48. Bb5 Bd1 49. Bc4 Bg4 50. Bb5 Bd1 51. Bc4
>Bg4 52. Kd4 Kc6 53. Bd3 Bf3 54. Bb1 Bg4 55. Be4+ Kd7 56. Kc3 Kd8 57. Kd4
>Kd7 58. Kc4 Kc7 59. Kc3 Kd8 60. Kc4 Kc7 61. Kb4 Bf5 62. Ba8 Bg4 63. Kc4 Bh3
>64. Bf3 Bg4 65. Be4 Kd7 66. Kb5 Kc7 67. Bd3 Bf3 68. Kc4 Kc6 69. Bg6 Kd7 70.
>Kb5 Kc7 71. Bd3 Bd1 72. Bc4 Bg4 73. Bf1 Bf3 74. Bc4 Bg4 75. Bf1 Bf3 76. Bd3
>Bd1 77. Kb4 Bf3 78. Bc4 Bg4 79. Bb5 Bf3 80. Bc4 Bg4 81. Bb5 Bf3 82. Kc3 Bg4
>83. Kd3 Bd1 84. Bc4 Bg4 85. Bb5 Bd1 86. Bc4 Bg4 87. Kd4 Kc6 88. Bd3 Bf3 89.
>Bg6 Kc7 90. Ke3 Bd1 91. Be4 Bg4 92. Bf3 Bxf3 93. Kxf3 Kc6 94. Ke4 Kd7 95.
>Kd4 Ke7 96. Ke4 b5 97. f5 exf5+ 98. Kxf5 b4 99. Ke4 b3 100. Kd3 b2 101. Kc2
>b1=N 102. Kxb1 Kf7 103. Kc2 Ke6 104. Kd3 Kxe5 105. Ke3 Kf5 106. Kf3 Ke5
>107. Ke3 Kf5 108. Kf3 Ke5 109. Ke3
>{Movei-> Draw by repetition} 1/2-1/2
>[Event "Computer chess game"]
>[Site "URI-AMD"]
>[Date "2006.01.01"]
>[Round "2"]
>[White "movei00_8_336"]
>[Black "Gerbil, Release 02"]
>[Result "1-0"]
>[TimeControl "40/60"]
>[FEN "8/1p1b2k1/p1p1p1p1/2P1P2p/1P3P1P/P2B4/5K2/8 w - - 0 1"]
>[SetUp "1"]
>. . . . . . . .
>. p . b . . k .
>p . p . p . p .
>. . P . P . . p
>. P . . . P . P
>P . . B . . . .
>. . . . . K . .
>. . . . . . . .
>white to play
>1. Ke3 Be8 2. a4 Kf8 3. Bb1 Bf7 4. a5 Ke7 5. Kf2 Kd8 6. Be4 Kc8 7. Ke2 Kd7
>8. Bg2 Kc7 9. Bf1 Kc8 10. Kd2 Kd7 11. Kc3 Ke7 12. Bg2 Kd8 13. Kd4 Kd7 14.
>Bh1 Kc7 15. Kd3 Kd7 16. Bg2 Kc7 17. Kd2 Kd7 18. Kc2 Kc7 19. Kc1 Kb8 20. Kd2
>Kc7 21. Bh1 Kd7 22. Kc2 Kc7 23. Kd1 Be8 24. Kd2 Kd7 25. Ke2 Ke7 26. Kf2 Kd8
>27. Kg2 Bf7 28. Kf1 Kd7 29. Kf2 Kc7 30. Kf3 Kd7 31. Ke2 Kc7 32. Bf3 Kd7 33.
>Kd3 Kc7 34. Kc4 Kc8 35. Be4 Kd7 36. Kb3 Kd8 37. Bd3 Kd7 38. Kc2 Ke7 39. Kc1
>Ke8 40. Bb1 Kd8 41. Kd1 Ke7 42. Kc2 Ke8 43. Kd2 Kd8 44. Kc1 Kd7 45. Kb2 Ke7
>46. Kb3 Kd8 47. Kc3 Kd7 48. Bc2 Ke7 49. Kd4 Be8 50. Ke4 Kd7 51. Ke3 Bf7 52.
>Bd1 Be8 53. f5 exf5 54. Bb3 Ke7 55. e6 g5 56. hxg5 h4 57. Kf3 Bg6 58. Kg2
>Bh7 59. Kh3 Bg8 60. Kxh4 Bxe6 61. Bd1 Kf7 62. Kg3 Kg6 63. Kf4 Bd7 64. Bb3
>Bc8 65. Bc2 Bd7 66. Bb1 Bc8 67. Bd3 Bd7 68. Bc2 Be6 69. Ke5 Bc8 70. Kd6
>Kxg5 71. Kc7 Be6 72. Kxb7 Bd5 73. Kxa6 f4 74. Kb6 f3 75. Bd3 Be4 76. Bxe4
>f2 77. Bd3 Kf4 78. a6 Ke3 79. Bf1 Kd2 80. a7 Ke1 81. a8=Q Kxf1 82. Qa2 Kg1
>83. Qxf2+ Kxf2 84. Kxc6 Kg3 85. Kd5 Kf4 86. c6 Ke3 87. c7 Kd2 88. c8=Q
>{Black resigns} 1-0
>[Event "Computer chess game"]
>[Site "URI-AMD"]
>[Date "2006.01.01"]
>[Round "1"]
>[White "Gerbil, Release 02"]
>[Black "movei00_8_336"]
>[Result "1-0"]
>[TimeControl "40/60"]
>[FEN "6k1/2p3np/1p1p2p1/3P4/1PPK1R2/6PB/7P/4r3 w - - 0 1"]
>[SetUp "1"]
>. . . . . . k .
>. . p . . . n p
>. p . p . . p .
>. . . P . . . .
>. P P K . R . .
>. . . . . . P B
>. . . . . . . P
>. . . . r . . .
>white to play
>1. Rf2 Rd1+ 2. Ke4 Rc1 3. Kd3 Rd1+ 4. Kc2 Ra1 5. Kd3 Rd1+ 6. Kc2 Ra1 7. Kb3
>Re1 8. Ka4 Re4 9. Kb5 h5 10. Bd7 h4 11. gxh4 Rxh4 12. h3 Nf5 13. Bxf5 gxf5
>14. Rxf5 Rxh3 15. Rf2 Ra3 16. Kc6 Ra7 17. b5 Kg7 18. Kd7 Kg6 19. Kc8 Ra4
>20. Rf4 Kg5 21. Rd4 Kf5 22. Kxc7 Ke5 23. Rh4 Ra8 24. Kxb6 Rc8 25. Kb7 Rc5
>26. b6 Kf5 27. Rh8 Rxc4 28. Ka6 Rb4 29. b7 Ra4+ 30. Kb5
>{Movei->black resign} 1-0
>[Event "Computer chess game"]
>[Site "URI-AMD"]
>[Date "2006.01.01"]
>[Round "2"]
>[White "movei00_8_336"]
>[Black "Gerbil, Release 02"]
>[Result "1-0"]
>[TimeControl "40/60"]
>[FEN "6k1/2p3np/1p1p2p1/3P4/1PPK1R2/6PB/7P/4r3 w - - 0 1"]
>[SetUp "1"]
>. . . . . . k .
>. . p . . . n p
>. p . p . . p .
>. . . P . . . .
>. P P K . R . .
>. . . . . . P B
>. . . . . . . P
>. . . . r . . .
>white to play
>1. Rf2 Rd1+ 2. Ke4 b5 3. cxb5 Rb1 4. Be6+ Nxe6 5. dxe6 Rxb4+ 6. Kd5 Rxb5+
>7. Kc6 Rb6+ 8. Kxc7 Ra6 9. Kb7 Ra1 10. e7 Re1 11. Rf8+ Kg7 12. e8=Q Rxe8
>13. Rxe8 Kf7 14. Rh8 Kg7 15. Rxh7+ Kxh7 16. Kc6 Kh6 17. Kxd6 Kg5 18. Ke6
>Kh5 19. h3 Kh6 20. Kf6 Kh5 21. g4+ Kh4 22. Kxg6 Kxh3 23. g5 Kg4 24. Kf6 Kf4
>25. g6 Ke4 26. g7 Kd3 27. g8=Q Kc3 28. Ke5 Kd3 29. Qb3+
>{Black resigns} 1-0
>[Event "Computer chess game"]
>[Site "URI-AMD"]
>[Date "2006.01.01"]
>[Round "1"]
>[White "Gerbil, Release 02"]
>[Black "movei00_8_336"]
>[Result "0-1"]
>[TimeControl "40/60"]
>[FEN "1n6/4k2p/p3ppp1/1pPp4/3P1PP1/3NP3/P3K2P/8 w - - 0 1"]
>[SetUp "1"]
>. n . . . . . .
>. . . . k . . p
>p . . . p p p .
>. p P p . . . .
>. . . P . P P .
>. . . N P . . .
>P . . . K . . P
>. . . . . . . .
>white to play
>1. f5 g5 2. a3 a5 3. fxe6 Nc6 4. Nf2 a4 5. Nd1 b4 6. axb4 a3 7. Nc3 Nxb4 8.
>c6 Kxe6 9. c7 Kd7 10. e4 dxe4 11. Ke3 Nd5+ 12. Nxd5 a2 13. Nxf6+ Kxc7 14.
>h4 gxh4 15. Kxe4 h3 16. Ne8+ Kd8 17. Ng7 h2 18. Ke5 a1=Q
>{White resigns} 0-1
>[Event "Computer chess game"]
>[Site "URI-AMD"]
>[Date "2006.01.01"]
>[Round "2"]
>[White "movei00_8_336"]
>[Black "Gerbil, Release 02"]
>[Result "1-0"]
>[TimeControl "40/60"]
>[FEN "1n6/4k2p/p3ppp1/1pPp4/3P1PP1/3NP3/P3K2P/8 w - - 0 1"]
>[SetUp "1"]
>. n . . . . . .
>. . . . k . . p
>p . . . p p p .
>. p P p . . . .
>. . . P . P P .
>. . . N P . . .
>P . . . K . . P
>. . . . . . . .
>white to play
>1. f5 g5 2. Nb4 a5 3. Nc2 h5 4. gxh5 exf5 5. Na3 b4 6. Nb5 f4 7. Nd6 Nd7 8.
>c6 Kxd6 9. cxd7 Kxd7 10. h6 a4 11. h7 b3 12. axb3 axb3 13. h8=Q b2 14. Qh7+
>Ke6 15. exf4 gxf4 16. Qb1 Kf7 17. Qxb2 Ke7 18. Kf3 Kf7 19. Qb7+ Ke6 20. h4
>Kd6 21. h5 Ke6 22. h6 Kd6 23. h7 Ke6 24. h8=Q Kf5 25. Qxd5+ Kg6 26. Qdg8+
>Kf5 27. Qg4#
>{Movei->White mates} 1-0

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Last modified: Thu, 15 Apr 21 08:11:13 -0700

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