Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: A plea to all computer chess enthusiasts (short)

Author: Dann Corbit

Date: 12:10:43 02/09/06

Go up one level in this thread

On February 09, 2006 at 14:47:21, Uri Blass wrote:

>On February 09, 2006 at 14:24:49, Dann Corbit wrote:
>>On February 09, 2006 at 14:22:03, Uri Blass wrote:
>>>On February 09, 2006 at 14:08:31, Dann Corbit wrote:
>>>>On February 08, 2006 at 22:17:11, Will Singleton wrote:
>>>>>>The very rapid
>>>>>>improvement in the general level of strength isn't a recent
>>>>>>development; it has been going on for several years.  The gap
>>>>>>between the new and improving programs and the established
>>>>>>professionals has been constantly diminishing, and it has long
>>>>>>been clear that it was only a matter of time before some of the
>>>>>>new engines would surpass the old giants.
>>>>>Uh huh.  It might have long been clear to you, but was that before Fruit or
>>>>>after?  I recall when Ruffian came out, people could scarcely believe its
>>>>>strength.  No one, folks said, could develop such a strong amateur program in
>>>>>relative secrecy, and then just burst on the scene.  But Ruffian never
>>>>>approached commercial strength.
>>>>>And then came Fruit.  Not an evolutionary change, not forseen, not anticipated.
>>>>>One day the commercials ruled, then Fruit came out.  That was the change.  Only
>>>>>after that did programs begin to "surpass the old giants."  I'm not criticizing,
>>>>>only pointing out that the change was sudden, not evolutionary, and no one
>>>>>predicted it.
>>>>>Unless, as you say, you did.  Where was that post?
>>>>Junior and Chess Tiger were just like Fruit.  It's just history repeating
>>>>itself.  And it is going to happen again and again
>>>Fruit was free source code.
>>>Junior and chess tiger were not free source code.
>>>It is not history repeating and you can see big advance in copmputer chess after
>>>In less than a year from fruit2.1's release we already got 100 elo improvement
>>>only in software relative to shredder9 even if we only look at the 32 bit
>>>version of rybka.
>>>When did it happen in the last 10 years?
>>>I think that in the last 10 years there was never improvement of 100 elo
>>>relative to previous best program.
>>>3 Rybka 1.01 Beta 13-13b 32-bit 2870 28 28 488 74.0 % 2689 27.5 %
>>>14 Shredder 9 2753 8 8 4805 63.2 % 2659 31.9 %
>>>Note that we can expect Rybka1.2 to be even stronger so we probably get
>>>improvement of more than 150 elo in the last year.
>>>I think that it never happened in the last 10 years and maybe never happened in
>>>the past.
>>I guess that when programs went from Mini-max to Alpha-Beta, the improvement was
>>at least 200 Elo on average.
>This was a long time ago and it is easier to make an improvement when the level
>is weaker.
>I did not follow improvement in computer chess not in the last 10 year but I do
>not remember big improvement like the improvement in the last year when you
>compare programs on the hardware that people use.
>Note that most people do not use 2 processors so it is logical to make
>comparison of performance on the hardware that is used.

In this respect I do not think that chess programming is different from any
other discipline.  It is something that moves in jumps and starts, historically,
and makes big advancement when a fresh new idea becomes known.

In sorting, quicksort was a revolution.  Also radix sort.  There are some new
and brilliant ideas like relaxed-heaps and things of that nature that continue
to move ahead.  For a single processor, there is a theoretical minimum amount of
energy that must be expended to perform a comparison sort which is log(n!) but
which can be circumvented by sorts not requiring comparisons.

So for chess also, there may be some physical laws that limit a particular kind
of attack from attaining perfect chess.  All exponential problems are extremely
difficult to solve, which is what I think is the most attractive thing to chess
programmers.  If chess programming were easy, we would not find 300 chess

There may be a fundamental breakthrough in chess programming like distribution
based sorting compared to comparison based sorting.  There may be algorithmic
improvments like sorting going from O(n^2) to O(n^(5/3)) to O(n*log(n)) for
insertion sort -> shell sort -> quick sort algorithm improvements.  The
alpha-beta improvement to minimax is such an idea which reduces the complexity
of the problem a great deal.  Perhaps there is something equally clever in the
offing.  Just because we have trouble imagining it does not mean that it cannot
be done.

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