Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: A plea to all computer chess enthusiasts (absurdly long)

Author: Tord Romstad

Date: 02:58:44 02/10/06

Go up one level in this thread

On February 10, 2006 at 04:42:54, Ralf Schäfer wrote:

>On February 09, 2006 at 16:02:22, Tord Romstad wrote:
>>So far, my ISP has registered 1316 downloads of the Windows
>>binary of Glaurung 1.0.2, and 417 downloads of the source
>>code.  This version was released on January 29, 2006.
>>How do these numbers compare to those of other engines?
>Since February 06 there were 1158 downloads of Spike 1.1.

Hi Ralf,

Thanks for the statistics!  Considering that Spike has been
available one week shorter, it seems to be slightly more
popular than Glaurung (which is not unxepected, since Spike
is clearly the stronger engine).

>Spike 1.0a Mainz was downloaded 3356 times since August 31 2005.
>I remember that Spike 0.7 was initially < 500 times downloaded, but this raised
>with the success of the next versions.
> 3356 Aug 31, 2005
> 2708 Aug 16, 2005
> 2196 Apr 20, 2005
> 1363 Nov 21, 2004
> 1207 Sep 07, 2004
> 1158 Feb 06, 2006
> 977 Mar 20, 2005
> 784 Nov 21, 2004

Here are my numbers for previous versions:

Glaurung Mainz:  761
Glaurung 1.0:    571
Glaurung 1.0.1: 1074
Glaurung 1.0.2: 1341

The number for Glaurung Mainz is far too low, because only the downloads
after the September 22 2005 (when was opened) are
counted.  The numbers for 1.0 and 1.0.1 are also not very interesting,
because these versions were only available for a few days before being
replaced with a bugfixed version.

>Usually the downloads are rising with some success in tournaments like WBEC,
>CEGT or others, and participating in events like CCT or IPCCC is also better -
>so how is about Glaurung in CCT8 ;-)
>It would be nice to see you there!

If I am in the town that weekend and my SMP version is ready for serious
games, there is a chance that I will be there.  :-)


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