Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Dell computers

Author: Joshua Shriver

Date: 21:30:40 03/06/06

Go up one level in this thread

I would never recommend alienware. I called them up last week to get a price
quote  on a replacement part. IF something breaks you're screwed, they dont sell
replacement parts and it's proprietary. The only way to get it fixed is to buy a
new warantee (if allowed) so they and only they can fix it. There are 3rd party
companies they refer you to, but who wants to buy aftermarket products for a
proprietary computer. *shrug*

Guess Alienware left a bad taste in my mouth.. just my oppinion.


On March 06, 2006 at 23:48:26, Daneil Johnson wrote:

>I don't know what your budget is but I would recomend going to Tiger Direct and
>looking for AMD 64-bit computers that are refurbished laptops (They also sell
>new computers).
> This is a AMD 4000+ laptop and 1 gig of memory and a 100gb harddrive for
>$1199.99 by Gateway.
>I have a E-machines 64-bit laptop 3400+ with a 1.25 gig memory that I just love
>and have had a year.  You can also find dual core AMD laptops but thet are very
>expensive from Alienware, Sager, Prostar, Hypersonic PC
>I would avoid Intel processors as they are busy changing their architecture to
>clone AMD and now they are even dumping hyperthreading according to The
>Inquirer.  If you want to go to a store and buy the best place is BestBuy thats
>where I purchased mine.

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