Author: Wilhelm Hudetz
Date: 07:01:47 03/07/06
Hi All ;-) games updated, links added to logos from Uschi, Graham and me, my homepage with logos updated. CEGT News - a) Glaurung CCT8 test 40/40 and 40/4 (2Ghz) tests are started. First results are available here and will be updated daily: b) a concentrated Jonny 2.89 test (private version) is in progress. Testers are Uschi, Wolfgang Battig, Mircea Hrubaru, Charles Smith and I. c) three countries for World Trophy 2 are finished (reported in another thread) d) Wilhelm is constantly updating the Blitz Championship and will give an update for the Blitz Ratinglists late Wednesday evening or on Thursday probably e) Logo updates are here by Wilhelm: f) Uschi also designed new logos for Glaurung SMP and Anaconda Best Regards CEGT team _________________
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