Author: Per Jørgensen
Date: 10:37:41 03/07/06
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On March 07, 2006 at 13:24:51, Dom Leste wrote: >Thanks Per for imput. You didnt mention Gambit Tiger? In Chessmaster 10 Marshall >personality plays great gambit chess. Sometimes too optimisic with some >positions but very entertaining! > >Dom Hello Dom! I had to choose between testing Gambit Tiger and Chess Tiger 15.0 and in the end I chose the latter. Another engine that I haven't been testing and that might be a strong gambit player is Gambit Fruit. Still, I find it hard to believe that any engine (including Rybka 1.1) can exceed those amazing 90% of Hiarcs 10 with the pieces in King's gambit. Hiarcs 10 (especially with Hypermodern ON) has an outstanding dynamic playingstyle which makes it a very dangerous opponent to all engines (as well as humans :-)) and that especially in unbalanced positions. Regards Per
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