Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Timecontrol

Author: Eduard Nemeth

Date: 02:36:36 03/08/06

Go up one level in this thread

On March 08, 2006 at 05:32:46, Eduard Nemeth wrote:

>On March 08, 2006 at 04:19:49, Per Jørgensen wrote:
>>Hi everyone!
>>I just read about a sensational result for Toga 1.2 beta 2 in the german
>>chessforum CSS. I take the liberty to copy the post and bring it here:
>>amd64 3000+
>>nForce4 sli deluxe
>>1gb ram
>>WinXP64bit Professional
>>Arena GUI
>>Arena mainbook(auf 18 halbzüge begrenzt)
>>Ponder on
>>no EGTB
>>Hashtables Rybka 146mb Toga 132mb
>>60 partien a 5min blitz
>>Rybka v1.01 Beta 13d.w32 30,5/60
>>Toga 1.2beta2 win32 29,5/60
>>29½-30½ against the newest Rybka beta-version is simply sensational! Perhaps
>>Toga will be the first engine to challenge the current superiority of Rybka?
>>Best regards
>For me ist this not surprise if games played with Ponder = ON.
>Toga II 1.2 Beta2 plays also very strong.
>Today I beat in Blitz Hiarcs 10 and on game ended draw.
>Oter Tester Results: On game won Toga beta against Rybka ß 13d and one game
>ended draw before few minutes.
>I need not post this games ( I have an reason) but community can belive me (the
>games I have in my archive)!

Sorry I forgot the Timecontrol.

The two games between Toga Beta and Rybky was game 60m + 15s on fast Hardware.

My first game against Hiarcs (Hiarcs Hardware was much faster then my P3 600)
was 3m + 0s and game 2 was 10m + 2s.

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