Author: Kurt Utzinger
Date: 04:24:40 03/08/06
In our 40'/40 test, 5moves.ctg, Ktulu 7.5 lost - as expected - vs Fritz 9 with the worst result so far of 16,0-34,0 (score 32 %). Interesting to note our Nunn2-Test (40'/40) when Ktulu 7.5 obtained 45 % vs Hiarcs 9 and 43.8 % vs Hiarcs 10 whereas the difference between old Spike 1.0a Mainz (score 48.8 %) and new Spike 1.1 (score 33.8 %) was much higher. Results 5moves Ktulu 7.5 vs 33,5-16,5 (67 %) vs Ruffian 2.1.0 30,0-20,0 (60 %) vs Gandalf 6.0 29,5-20,5 (59 %) vs Aristarch 4.50 27,0-23,0 (54 %) vs Spike 1.0a Mainz 26,5-23,5 (53 %) vs Loop List 600 26,0-24,0 (52 %) vs Chess Tiger 15 24,5-25,5 (49 %) vs The King 3.33 22,0-28,0 (44 %) vs Hiarcs 9 19,5-30,5 (39 %) vs Hiarcs 10 19,5-30,5 (39 %) vs Junior 9 19,0-31,0 (38 %) vs Fruit 2.2.1 18,5-31,5 (37 %) vs Shredder 9 UCI 16,0-34,0 (32 %) vs Fritz 9 Results (Nunn2) Ktulu 7.5 vs 27,0-13,0 (67.5 %) vs Aristarch 4.50 23,0-17,0 (57.5 %) vs Junior 8 19,5-20,5 (48.8 %) vs Spike 1.0a Mainz 18,0-22,0 (45.0 %) vs Hiarcs 9 17,5-22,5 (43.8 %) vs Hiarcs 10 16,0-24,0 (40.0 %) vs Loop List 600 15,5-24,5 (38.8 %) vs Chess Tiger 15 13,5-26,5 (33.8 %) vs Spike 1.1 11,0-29,0 (27.5 %) vs Rybka 1.0 Beta 32bit Details, Games, Download as usual on the homepage of Kurt Utzinger and Rolf Bühler, "Kurt & Rolf Chess" Ktulu 7.5 Test [] Rating List 40'/40 5moves_Nunn2 [] Survey of all our 40'/40 tests can be found here: [] Best regards Kurt & Rolf
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