Author: Peter Eizenhammer
Date: 06:59:06 03/08/06
Go up one level in this thread
On March 08, 2006 at 09:43:34, Marc Lacrosse wrote: >In view of these strange testing conditions and missing informations I strongly >feel that the signification of the test will probably remain limited even when >more games will be added. > >Marc I recommend a diary: It is the perfect place for private irrational feelings. But seriously: Your accusation of piracy does not get more legitimation if you repeat it. One can test rybka 32 Bit, (sorry if you are not happy about it), and in Arena the super Noomen ctg-book does not work, does it? So half of your accusation is based on the fact that someone prefers Arena for Uci engines. I have to write into my diary, that I feel irritated, but would never make this public ... Peter
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