Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: It figured. D E L E T E

Author: Robert Hyatt

Date: 19:01:19 03/08/06

Go up one level in this thread

On March 08, 2006 at 21:43:00, Wayne Lowrance wrote:

>On March 08, 2006 at 15:28:04, Robert Hyatt wrote:
>>On March 08, 2006 at 11:18:19, Wayne Lowrance wrote:
>>>On March 08, 2006 at 05:59:07, Evgenii Manev wrote:
>>>>On March 07, 2006 at 20:29:24, George Speight wrote:
>>>>>I think i should add here that Vas has told me that he thinks Peter, Graham and
>>>>>Hyatt are all good moderators and he has no problem with any of them. I can say
>>>>>with honesty that in all our mails back and forth he has  NOT MADE ONE
>>>>>derogatory comment about anyone. He seems to be quick to look for the good in
>>>>>people first. A mark of character to me. He reminds me a lot of Graham in that
>>>>>respect.   Regards, George
>>>>hi all
>>>>it seems (I can state it from posts here in CCC - I ain't commercail Rybka user)
>>>>that Vasik is nice person. In the other hand, moderators do their hard job
>>>>properly. So -- I can't see any problem here?
>>>>(just my 2cents - banning Rolf just because of other member's complaining
>>>>against his manner of thinking was not so nessessarily, but - that's completely
>>>>other story:) )
>>>>Best regards,
>>>I read the responses this morning in LA 8:00 AM. One particuliar post was
>>>deleted at least I could not find it the next day. If it was not  deleted then
>>>what happenedl to it. I was very careful in scanning thru. Does not change the
>>>main feeling I have here that Vas is treated poorly here. Their have been
>>>complaints about his posting now for at least a month. I have had my say, thank
>>I think that if you would look back, read carefully, and give some thought to
>>what has happened, you might find that your statement "vas was treated poorly
>>here.  ....  complaints about his posting now for at least a month..."  Is
>>simply _wrong_.
>>Vas has _never_ been "the problem" here.  Posts about Rybka _have_ been a
>>problem, have caused lots of complaints, and have saturated this message board
>>with one topic, when such could be much better done on a dedicated to Rybka web
>>site instead.
>>The complaints have been about the rather ridiculous number of Rybka posts that
>>happen to pop up, particularly about topics that are not "computer chess" at
>>all.  For example, the inability to order something from a free email account.
>>Or beta test results.  Etc.
>>I get the idea that you don't think much of the current group of moderators,
>>which is fine.  However, we were elected to do a task for the majority of
>>members, and we try to do what the members seem to want done.  If a minority
>>want to leave because of that, that's how democracy works.
>Darn, I promised myself that I  was done with this. But your suggestion that I
>leave this forum  really makes me mad Bob

And how do you think false accusations about deleting posts right and left makes
_us_ feel?  I'm happy to deal with people that have questions about computer
chess topics.  I can _completely_ do without false accusations...

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