Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Full definition for FEN

Author: Richard A. Fowell (

Date: 10:06:46 05/29/99

Go up one level in this thread


>However, I do believe that for the
>majorty of members, short algeraic is more readily understood. Therefore, I
>would submit my positions for analysis using short algebraic which can be easily
>understood by all.
>Kind regards,

I may not be a majority, but I vastly prefer EPD/FEN, since I can
can copy/paste it between my browser and chess programs, and between
chess programs.

This is a computer chess club - we should all have chess software that lets
us copy positions in EPD/FEN form between our browsers and our chess software
via the Clipboard (both ways).

For those using a Mac, either of the freeware chess programs,
MacChess 5.X (my preference for this purpose) or
Sigma Chess 4.02 Light will do this.

In MacChess 5.
1) To copy a position from MacChess as EPD:
   Click on the display board in MacChess
   Press CMD-C to copy the position to the clipboard
2) To paste an EPD position from the clipboard into MacChess
   Bring MacChess to the front
   Press CMD-V to paste the position to the MacChess display board.
   (You can now use "Save Position as EPD" to save it into a file
    for software (like HIARCS) that only does EPD input/output
    via file read/write

MacChess (and SigmaChess Lite) can be downloaded from
and comes in English, German, Dutch, Spanish and Italian versions.

[ For the PC - someone please reply with the appropriate programs to use
  for this]

[P.S.: note to authors - "drag'n'drop" between my browser and
       my chess software would be even more convenient ... ]

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