Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: CCC Moderator Voting Results Now Available...

Author: Steven Schwartz

Date: 13:15:38 06/24/99

Go up one level in this thread

On June 24, 1999 at 15:58:37, Robert Hyatt wrote:

>On June 24, 1999 at 09:26:49, Steven Schwartz wrote:
>>The CCC Moderator election is now over and the results are as follows:
>>1st - Bruce Moreland
>>2nd - Fernando Villegas
>>3rd - KarinsDad (KD)
>>4th - Danniel Corbit
>>5th - James Robertson
>>6th - Harald Faber
>>This means that Bruce, Fernando, and KD will be taking office on July 1st
>>and Dann will be the alternate. I know that KD will be away until the 26th
>>so he will not know his status until then. The term of office will end on
>>January 31, 2000. Our current moderators will be in "office" through
>>June 30th.
>>My personal thoughts...
>>Whether you agreed (or not) with the decisions of Will, Harold, and Peter,
>>I hope that you understand the time and effort that they put into their
>>"jobs" here on CCC. I do not think anyone can truly understand the
>>difficulty of the moderator job in a forum of so many people with so
>>many diverse opinions, cultures, and native languages (all, more or
>>less, trying to speak English).
>>As for our 6 nominees and 3 "Moderators Elect", I thank you for your
>>willingness to stand before the firing squad WITHOUT a blindfold. I
>>think that any of the 6 of you would have been a good choice, but
>>someone had to "win".
>>I await the inevitable CCC message board battles, and I am
>>curious to see how Bruce, Fernando, and KD handle them since their
>>views seem to be so different from each other. But, most interesting
>>to me is the fact that the three of them represent the entire
>>spectrum of opinions as to how conservative or liberal the
>>moderation should be. Every member of CCC should have an ally in
>>Congratulations (or condolences) to the winners.
>>Again, thanks to the outgoing moderators!
>>Regards, Steve (ICD/Your Move)
>Did you mean that their term really ends 1/31/00?  (7 month term) or do they
>end 12/31/99?  (6 month term)?

The candidates were told of the one month stretch which was done,
ostensibly, because it gets rather crazy here in our New York retail
store in December, and we would just not be able to run the
elections at that time. We considered shortening to November or
even October, but, logistically, it was going to put too much
pressure on us when we should be concentrating on holiday sales.
End of January is MUCH better for us.

I understand that it puts an extra burden on the moderators, but
the alternate (Dann) may possibly come in handy, but how they work
the rotation is totally up to them.
- Steve (ICD/Your Move)

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