Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: I resign the Post as Moderator.

Author: Mark Young

Date: 18:37:30 07/22/99

Go up one level in this thread

On July 22, 1999 at 21:25:46, Bruce Moreland wrote:

>On July 22, 1999 at 20:22:18, Mark Young wrote:
>>On July 22, 1999 at 20:12:33, Bruce Moreland wrote:
>>>On July 22, 1999 at 19:28:18, Mark Young wrote:
>>>>I never did understand the moderation representation on CCC. We vote for three
>>>>moderators, but instead of having two of the three moderators agreeing to delete
>>>>a post, we have three three kings that do as they will when they see a post they
>>>>think should be deleted. This approach kills the representation of the mass of
>>>>CCC. Not a very logical way to represent the voters.
>>>>Under the circumstances of how the moderators represent the voters I understand
>>>>and agree with your reasons for resigning. As it stands now if one moderator can
>>>>delete posts at will without the consent of at least one other moderator, this
>>>>leave you unable to represent your position and view as moderator that you ran
>>>>and were elected on by the voters of CCC to represent.
>>>It depends upon how you see the job of moderator.  I view post deletion as a
>>>police function, mainly.  You wouldn't expect the cops to get together and vote
>>>before they arrested someone, would you?
>>Bruce you are not cops, cops don’t decide if a person gets the death
>>sentence(the deletion of a post or thread) You are three judges, and jurors .
>I should have known the cop analogy would stir you up, even though I tried to
>limit it couldn't be turned into something out of Judge Dredd.  Stuff happens
>here 24 hours per day.  Sometimes a bad thread gets started and needs to be
>stopped before people see it and start shrieking.

I'm not the one stirred up over the cop analogy, but analogy was inaccurate. I
just hope two of the moderators in the future can get together and agree on a
policy of how the moderation should be handled. As of now we have three
standards, one for each moderator that is on duty. Under this policy when
Fernando was on duty, I guess he could reinstate the post you deleted. I hope
you can see the illogic in such a standard that we have now. Two of you must get
together someway and set one standard, so the members know what can and can not
be posted.

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