Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Moreland's Paradox

Author: Djordje Vidanovic

Date: 03:51:30 07/23/99

Go up one level in this thread

:I'd hope that nonsensical situations like this don't happen.  In this case I
:agree that we are pretty close to having that happen.  This is not a problem
:with the moderation framework here, it is a problem between Fernando and I,
:that Fernando has seen fit to turn into a public issue, rather than working it
:out with me.

This was a quote from Bruce Moreland.  I am afraid that he has not noted the
paradox in his comment that turns against him.  Namely, he says that Fernando
saw the deletion of the post as a sufficient excuse to turn it into a public
issue, forgetting that it was him who had first made a public issue of
Fernando's post by deleting it.

BTW, I believe that Bruce did not achieve what he wanted: the postings on the
deletion are numerous and Bruce's inbox is getting overcrowded;  he was close to
insulting Fernando by describing the act of his resignation as self-imolation;
he helped kindle a split between "permissive" and "strict" members of the forum.

I am a permissive member of the forum and see no harm in the ocassional joke or
two, on condition the member in question contributes to the forum in a
constructive way otherwise.  And we all know Fernando's passion while his
regular contributions speaks for themselves.

And, last but not least:  I would like to thank Fernando Villeges publicly for
being a wonderful human being and hosting my daughter, Alexandra, in his home
for the past two months.  He helped when the bombs were killing people in my
country and has been a substitute father for her in Santiago.  My family is now
split up:  my wife and I are in Italy now, homeless, but with friends, and our
daughter is in Chile.  We are hoping for a soon reunion and peace.

BTW, Fernando, that joke sounded wonderful in Spanish, much better than in

Abrazos mi amigo.


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