Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: razoring?

Author: Dave Gomboc

Date: 00:44:38 08/16/99

Go up one level in this thread

On August 16, 1999 at 00:17:39, Scott Gasch wrote:

>Would someone please explain the concept of razoring or point me to a reference?

You could consult section 4.1 of Computer Chess Compendium, Levy (ed.),
Springer-Verlag, 1988.  This book has some cool stuff in it, and is IMO well
worth tracking down at your local university's library.

It is actually a reprint of "Tree-Searching and Tree-Pruning Techniques", John
Birmingham and Peter Kent, in Advances in Computer Chess 1 (Clarke, ed.),
Edinburgh University Press, 1977, pp. 89-97.

The quick low-down:
when max-ing
  if static_eval(node) < backed_up_eval(some sibling node, depth) prune node

[for min-ing, flip the compare.]

That sounds a little insane.  Probably it has something to do with their example
being for a 4-ply search. :-)  Maybe give

(when max-ing)
  if backed_up_eval(node, depth-1) < backed_up_eval(some sibling node, depth)
   then prune

a look-see.  What ends up happening with the latter translation of their
description is that branches that look sucky will get searched one ply less
deeply.  Of course, it would be possible to perform razoring recursively too.


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