Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: number of moves in position

Author: leonid

Date: 02:23:59 09/21/99

Go up one level in this thread

On September 20, 1999 at 22:53:06, Dann Corbit wrote:

>On September 20, 1999 at 21:48:31, leonid wrote:
>>On September 20, 1999 at 21:02:30, Dann Corbit wrote:
>>>It would be really nice for those of us who are terminally lazy if you would
>>>post also the position in EPD or FEN.
>>Sorry, but what it is the EPD or FEN?
>EPD and FEN are parts of the PGN standard.  They are simple ways to describe a
>board position that a computer can take very easily as input.  Many computer
>chess programs can read and write either FEN or EPD.
>>Anyway, I believe that the best and easiest position to see is when it
>>is done in graphics. I have one program, that one friend of mine wrote and
>>gave me, but here are no place to use it.
>>I have many "crazy positions" like the last one, created few years ago when
>>I wrote my "Mate Solving Logic". I have even the impression that the
>>position with 213 moves, that somebody presented, is somehow related with
>>my "inevitable mate library" accessible freely on the Web.
I am curious about your "mate solving logic."
>Exactly what is it?  A program?  A methodology or ???

Mate Solving Logic is nothing more that the logic dedicated to the solving
of inevitable mate positions excusively. Actually, it is the first part of
my chess game that I am in process of writing. Mate Solving Logic is the
part of the game that is mature and finished, never mind that even now I see
how it can be speeded up. Since before starting my game, I read nothing
about the chess theory, I wrote everything from my own mind. It appeared to
me logical to write the part of game for finding the mate first (when the
mate is on the place why go farther?) and later the logic for positional
solution. Now my Positional Logic is almost mature but still not finished. My
"branching factor" is poor. If only "branching factor" will reach
the normal rate immediately Positional Logic will probably jump beyond
everything ever done. In the same way like the Mate Solving Logic did.


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