Author: Sergio Martinez
Date: 14:06:12 12/29/99
Final round: CALIGULA-DIEP 1-0 BETSABE-GENESIS 1-0 R.LOPEZ-EUGEN 0-1 C.TIGER-AVERNO 1-0 CLASIFICATION: 1º CHESS TIGER 6 2º CALIGULA 5 3º DIEP 5 4º,5º EUGEN, RUY LOPEZ 4 6º BETSABE 3 7º AVERNO 1 8º GENESIS 0 "Thanks to all participants and people who help us. Happy new year to all!!" (Eugenio Castillo) I want to say thanks to Eugenio Castillo for help me to live this experience. Spanish Championship is a good way for the spanish programmers for world know his programs. There are a good chess in Spain, and there are good chess programs also. This tourney help to know this programs (like Betsabé, an interesting chess program). There are some interesting details in my opinion in this tourney: -There arent draws. -Caligula has won all foreigners programs (C.Tiger and Diep) 2-0 -Diep 0/2 last rounds. -Averno has played for first time (remember that this is the most young program of all, 4 months) -Betsabé is an interesting chess program. Thanks to people who has help me with sugestions (thanks Tina) Happy new year to all. Games: [Event "SP 99"] [Site "?"] [Date "29-12-99"] [Round "7"] [White "Chess Tiger"] [Black "Averno"] [Result "1-0"] 1. e4 c6 2. d4 d6 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. f4 Qa5 5. Bd3 e5 6. Nf3 exd4 7. Nxd4 Bg4 8. Be2 Bxe2 9. Qxe2 Qa6 10. Qf3 Qc4 11. Be3 d5 12. e5 Ne4 13. Nxe4 dxe4 14. Qxe4 Qb4+ 15. Kf2 Bc5 16. Qd3 O-O 17. a3 Qa4 18. Rhd1 Rd8 19. b3 Qa6 20. Qf5 Be7 21. Qg4 Bf8 22. e6 Re8 23. exf7+ Kxf7 24. Qh5+ g6 25. Qxh7+ Bg7 26. Nf5 gxf5 27. Qh5+ Kf8 28. Bc5+ Kg8 29. Qxe8+ Kh7 30. Qh5+ Bh6 31. Qxf5+ Kg8 32. Rd8+ Bf8 33. Qg6+ Kh8 34. Rxf8# 1-0 [Event "Spanish MCCC 1999"] [Site "Parets del Valles"] [Date "29.12.99"] [Round "7"] [White "Caligula"] [Black "Diep"] [Result "1-0"] 1. c2-c4 g7-g6 2. d2-d4 Bf8-g7 3. Ng1-f3 Ng8-f6 4. g2-g3 O-O 5. Bf1-g2 d7-d6 6. O-O Nb8-d7 7. Nb1-c3 e7-e5 8. e2-e4 e5xd4 9. Nf3xd4 Rf8-e8 10. f2-f3 c7-c6 11. Bc1-e3 Nd7-e5 12. b2-b3 h7-h5 13. Qd1-d2 h5-h4 14. g3xh4 Qd8-c7 15. Ra1-d1 a7-a6 16. h2-h3 b7-b5 17. f3-f4 b5-b4 18. Nc3-e2 Ne5xc4 19. b3xc4 Nf6xe4 20. Qd2-c2 Ne4-c3 21. Rd1-d3 Nc3xe2 22. Qc2xe2 c6-c5 23. Nd4-b3 Ra8-b8 24. h4-h5 Bc8-f5 25. Rd3-d5 Qc7-e7 26. h5xg6 f7xg6 27. Rf1-e1 Bg7-c3 28. Nb3-d2 Qe7-d7 29. Qe2-f2 Bf5xh3 30. Qf2-g3 Bh3-f5 31. Be3xc5 Re8xe1 32. Qg3xe1 Rb8-e8 33. Qe1-g3 Qd7-c8 34. Bc5-e3 Qc8-e6 35. Kg1-f2 Qe6-f6 36. Qg3-g5 Qf6-f8 37. Rd5-a5 b4-b3 38. Bg2-d5 Kg8-g7 39. Ra5xa6 Bc3-f6 40. Qg5-g1 b3-b2 41. Qg1-h1 Re8-e7 42. c4-c5 d6xc5 43. Ra6-a8 Re7-e8 44. Ra8-a7 Re8-e7 45. Be3xc5 Qf8-b8 46. Ra7xe7 Bf6xe7 47. Bc5-d4 Be7-f6 48. Bd4xf6 Kg7xf6 49. Qh1-h4 Kf6-g7 50. Qh4-e7 Kg7-h6 51. Qe7-e5 Qb8-a7 52. Kf2-e2 Bf5-g4 53. Bd5-f3 Bg4xf3 54. Ke2xf3 Qa7-b7 55. Qe5-e4 Qb7-d7 56. Kf3-e2 Kh6-h7 57. a2-a4 Qd7-c8 58. Ke2-d3 Qc8-c7 59. Qe4-d4 Qc7-c1 60. Qd4-a7 Kh7-h6 61. Qa7-b6 Kh6-h5 62. a4-a5 g6-g5 63. f4xg5 Qc1-a1 64. g5-g6 Qa1-a3 65. Kd3-c2 Qa3-a2 66. Kc2-c3 Qa2-a1 67. Qb6-b5 Kh5xg6 68. Kc3-c2 Qa1-c1 69. Kc2-d3 Qc1-a1 70. Qb5-b6 Kg6-g5 71. a5-a6 Qa1-a3 72. Kd3-c2 Qa3-a2 73. Qb6-c5 Kg5-g6 74. Qc5-d6 Kg6-h5 75. Nd2-b1 Qa2-c4 76. Kc2xb2 Qc4-b5 77. Kb2-c1 Qb5-c4 78. Kc1-d2 Qc4-a2 79. Kd2-e1 Qa2-a1 80. Qd6-c5 Kh5-h6 81. Qc5-b6 Kh6-h5 82. a6-a7 Qa1-e5 83. Ke1-d1 Qe5-e4 84. Nb1-d2 Qe4-a4 85. Kd1-e2 Qa4-g4 86. Ke2-e1 Qg4-h4 87. Qb6-f2 Qh4-h1 88. Ke1-e2 Kh5-g6 89. Qf2-g3 Kg6-h7 90. Nd2-f3 Qh1-a1 91. Qg3-h2 Kh7-g7 92. Qh2-g1 Qa1xg1 93. [Event "Spanish MCCC 1999"] [Site "Parets del Valles"] [Date "29.12.99"] [Round "7"] [White "Ruy Lopez"] [Black "Eugen"] [Result "0-1"] 1. e4 e5 2. Ng1f3 Nb8c6 3. Bf1b5 a6 4. Bb5a4 Ng8f6 5. O-O b5 6. Ba4b3 Bc8b7 7. d3 Bf8c5 8. a4 O-O 9. axb5 axb5 10. Ra1xa8 Qd8xa8 11. Bc1g5 b4 12. Bg5xf6 gxf6 13. Nf3h4 Nc6d4 14. Qd1h5 d5 15. Nh4f5 Nd4xf5 16. Qh5xf5 dxe4 17. Qf5xf6 Bc5d6 18. Rf1d1 exd3 19. Rd1xd3 e4 20. Rd3d1 Qa8a6 21. Qf6g5 Kg8h8 22. Qg5h5 Qa6b6 23. Bb3c4 f5 24. Qh5g5 f4 25. b3 e3 26. Kg1f1 f3 27. gxf3 Bb7xf3 28. Rd1d3 Bf3e4 29. Rd3xe3 Qb6d4 30. Bc4e2 Be4xc2 31. Re3f3 Bc2xb1 32. Rf3xf8 Bd6xf8 33. Qg5g3 Bb1e4 34. f3 Be4f5 35. Be2c4 Bf5d3 36. Bc4xd3 Qd4xd3 37. Kf1e1 Qd3e3 38. Ke1f1 Qe3xb3 39. Qg3e5 Bf8g7 40. Qe5e4 c5 41. Kf1g2 Bg7d4 42. h4 Qb3e3 43. Qe4d5 b3 44. Qd5d8 Kh8g7 45. Qd8d7 Kg7g6 46. Qd7d5 b2 47. h5 Kg6f6 48. Qd5d8 Qe3e7 49. Qd8b6 Kf6g5 50. Kg2h3 Kg5xh5 51. Qb6h6 Kh5xh6 [Event "Spanish MCCC 1999"] [Site "Parets del Valles"] [Date "29.12.99"] [Round "7"] [White "Betsabe" ] [Black "Genesis"] [Result "1-0"] 1 d2d4 e7e6 2 e2e4 d7d5 3 b1c3 f8b4 4 e4e5 b4c3 5 b2c3 c7c5 6 d1g4 g7g6 7 g1f3 f7f5 8 g4g5 d8c7 9 g5d2 b8c6 10 c1a3 b7b6 11 a1b1 c8b7 12 f1d3 g8e7 13 e1g1 c5c4 14 d3e2 h7h6 15 b1b2 c7d7 16 f1b1 g6g5 17 h2h3 e8c8 18 f3h2 e7g6 19 a3d6 g6f4 20 e2f3 d7f7 21 h2f1 d8d6 22 e5d6 h8h7 23 f1g3 f7d7 24 g3e2 f4e2 25 d2e2 d7d6 26 a2a4 h7e7 27 b1a1 e6e5 28 e2d2 e5e4 29 f3h5 c6a5 30 b2a2 f5f4 31 a1e1 c8b8 32 d2c1 b8a8 33 c1b2 e4e3 34 a2a1 e3f2 35 g1f2 d6f6 36 e1e7 f6e7 37 a1e1 e7d7 38 e1e8 b7c8 39 e8f8 d7e6 40 h5g4 e6e3 41 f2f1 a8b7 42 g4c8 b7c7 43 c8g4 a5c6 44 f8c8 c7b7 45 c8c6 b7c6 46 b2b5 c6b7 47 b5d5 b7c7 48 d5d7 1-0
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