Author: Dann Corbit
Date: 10:14:42 02/08/00
Go up one level in this thread
On February 08, 2000 at 12:02:56, Steven Schwartz wrote: >Our three new CCC Moderators are: >Dave Gomboc >Andrew Williams >Tom Kerrigan > >The Alternate Moderator is James Robertson. I salute you, one and all. All will do a terrific job and I am very pleased with the selections. >The moderators may be reached by email via the >"Moderator Email" link at the top of the message board. > >My personal thanks to Bruce, KD, and Dann for >all of the time and effort they put into moderating >the board for the last 7 months. Having been witness >to their emails concerning moderation, I can assure >all members that they worked extremely hard and always >in the best interests of th CCC. > >I wish the new moderators the best of luck. >Some would say that you will need it:-) >Steve (ICD/Your Move)
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